Chapter 198: Back to work. (2/2)

The Runesmith Kuropon 38440K 2022-09-11

Roland flinched a bit as he noticed the change in Elodia’s voice Her eyes narrohile a glare appeared over her nor he would probably anger this lady It was a strange feeling to be stared down by a small woman that shouldn’t pose any threat to his life but for so her worry

“Okay, I’ll do it tomorrow…”

He slowly placed the pencil on the desk next to hiaze Then slohiletowards the exit where her and Bernir were standing

“Ah don’t worry about this, I’ll organize the hard so I told the Mrs that you were busy but I couldn’t stall her for longer…”

When he was out of the room Bernir whispered into his ear Now it all made sense why she was mad His assistant fed her some excuses while he re over for the usual ave it away The whole situation justdisturbed

“No that’s fine but we’re not …”

The only part that he wasn’t sure about was that Bernir made it seem that the tere married It did seem like that from an outside perspective as she did spend a lot of time in his house and even cleaned it fro culture in this world and not everyone went through with a proper wedding

“Don’t need to be shy, well I’ll leave you alone”

After giving Roland a hard smack to the shoulder Bernir left the workshop When back in his home above only now did he notice that he had really worked through alni served him with a hard tackle as if he didn’t see hi so to becoed to prepare a nice sche he wanted to repeat There was round needed to be reached

Elodia’s food was quickly gobbled up by hi Their time was short spent as she forced hi to smell and she clearly didn’t want any part with that Then afternot to fall asleep in the bathtub for once he rested

On the dawn of the next day, it was tianize, it was finally tiolem It would be about the same size as the older model but it would come with some modifications and a new fras and some of the inner components but the main chassis needed an overhaul

“So, this part is going to be the abdo to be the thorax”

Back in the office, he had Bernir and his wife follow the new plan The previous spider drones were -shaped while this new one would be a double parter While olerity it would add so board, I see, hat are aiting for then, let’s get to work!”

Bernir didn’t seethose levels and the more he worked on the ser-than-life as also very interested in the new design, not olems as they did

So they did, everyone followed the drawn out schematics that Roland had created All of the parts that were needed had a separate page along with the dimensions that needed to be kept Roland was still a proper Blacksmith, while he had less experience than these two he did not trail behind by that h stats was also on his side as both of the the amount of dexterity to aid them in their craft

The process was slow and cumbersome Some of the runic repairs that he performed had to be postponed while he tried to reach the deadline created by the lord na too hard for his first real auction reveal but he wanted to leave a lasting impression

If he failed there was a possibility that the lordling could decide to pull back his aid and Elodia would be left out to dry as well If the lord dee that was apparently breaking some old laws that no one really followed

This tiht-hour working linored to a point Bernir and his wife had no proble ten or twelve hours a day as they kneas at stake With the increase of stats, it was possible for thehfor their bodies

But even if that was the case Roland was apprehensive aboutas he did not want to repeat what his old boss did to him So when the ten-hour mark was reached he made sure to kick the both of thee along with the new sh period Luckily it did not break and the runic structures didn’t deteriorate even after many hours of work The difference in material was apparent as this new equipment would last hiorous crafting, all the required parts were produced asseether caained during his class change quest this didn’t prove that difficult

The spider droid ‘Head’ was connected to the thorax and it was circular in nature On this soolem eyes that would work as the main cameras The head could slide around the circular axis it was placed on Thanks to this solution even if one of the solem would still be able to compensate

The abdomen that it had behind its head made it look like a proper spider It was a bit taller than the head part at the front and could also open up as it was h space for a spatial bag and a few replacement parts Then in the front below the head ca robotic arms that had multiple uses

“Well then… now I just need to reva…”

He had spent designing this for some days and made sure that the whole construction was structurally sound The hardest part was the weight distribution as the abdomen was a bit bulkier than the head part But with the two ed to equal it out

While the exterior of the goleh part He needed to connect everything to the golem core Instead of his own batteries, he went for a more traditional solution with a coht take a while…”

It ht have see would be finished but this was far froole someone at the auction house it would be his head that was on the line Probably anotherfor hiree lord

Thus he almost barricaded himself in his oorkshop for the remainder of the day that he had This ti for longer than usual Only after proer break after the auction house visit was finished did she relent

He did not forget to slowly draw up the spatial rune froeon With each headache, he was getting closer to so that would allow him to slim down so rapidly and the ained creation to the masses