Chapter 160 Back in business. (1/2)

The Runesmith Kuropon 47660K 2022-09-11

“What was that?”

Roland called out while peeking his head out of the entrance to the attic He clearly saw the into the forest as if they were being chased by soe monster

“I’m not sure, but I think they will be back”

Replied Elodia while also looking out through the

“You think so?”

Roland asked while going down the ladder that led up into the attic He had brought up some wares like runic scrolls that would probably be quite popular Down on the main floor, he looked a bit disappointed after the four had left They were actually the first custo a lot of customers soon, the word just needs to spread around town”

Elodia continued talking while going through the store and checking if everything was in order It had been a week since she had been hired and the contract had been signed The tent back and forth on it but after a few days, they were finally able to decide on the right hourly wages

With her help, he started getting the store in order Thanks to her expertise in sales she helped him prepare the placeo around but Roland ed to scrape by with some runic weapons and Bernir added his own arraded with some runes

Roland was also sure to produce his old specialty, runic scrolls With hih to compete with even the lowest discount prices that the dwarves could offer He knew that at least when it cae over the bushy beard co h stock to open up For now, he focused on lesser spells like sharpness, i to produce eon was still being swarmed by newer adventurers These could not afford exotic wares with powerful tier 2 runes Thus he focused raphic for now Maybe if he gained enough notoriety he could push towards the gold rankers

It was actually surprising to be visited by this group as the billboard was placed just an hour ago Together with Bernir he went over to the fork in the road and placed it there without expecting much It was already the middle of the day so he didn’t expect anyone to shop up this fast“If you think so…”

Roland nodded as he took Elodia’s words to heart The wouild so she probably knehat they were after If she thought they would co of the shop opening, do you think that those kids will be alright?”

“They will be fine, Lobelia is with the that offer, this will be a good learning experience for the little ones”

Elodia bowed her head before Roland as a thank you which esture He had coh the city and thought that utilizing the orphans from Elodia’s home would be adequate

For a so around the city and hand out some fliers While this world had some advance There were so presses but instead of theh-level scribe could actually output a si press as they had a peculiar skill It was a skill that allowed thes from paper

While Roland had a similar class in the form of runic mana scribe it was just a tier 1 class He was unable to learn this skill as it would require an advanced tier 2 version of this class Then if a person went even further they could write almost as fast as ato Roland as it showed hi skill advance advanced printing presses as a person could just produce better effects if they leveled up further

Classes like scribes also could be leveled quite fast as it wasn’t a battle class The more they copied and the athered Thus the printing press was pushed to the side after people realized that they weren’t really required

He as well needed to hire one of these high level scribes as his writing speed wasn’t up to par The only thing he perfor of his runic e already known and the sunassociated with hi more custoht the kids would do a better job”

This wasn’t anything new, in his old world, odd jobs like this were left to younger adults that were still going to school They didn’t require much payment and they just needed to stand around in a popular area and give out the fliers Most of the time the piece of paper would be scrapped but if one person from then looked over it and decided to show up it was h

“Well, I’ll be in the workshop, just give , do you need ain?”

“Ah yes, I just need to put er on one of these and then inject a bit of ht”

Elodia had a plate made from metal under the counter It had several circular indentations on it to place her finger Depending on where she was pressing her finger during the activation a different e would be sent to Roland

While he wanted to do nothing more than to produce a telephone systeet so to use a crystal ball that required a bit more mana to run

His clerk had a few options to choose from One was soive out an alarnal him Some other ones would tell him that there were some difficult customers around and that he needed to come over

On the other end in his workshop, Roland had placed a little console with color patterns Depending on which one lit up he would get the inforh For now, this would be the communication method, when he had more time he would try to come up with a proper solution that would mimic modern-day phones

This world already had crystal balls that showed a picture and sound, he just needed to alter it to his needs Maybe later in the future, he could figure out a recording feature

“Be sure to call ak should be able to handle himself”

Elodia nodded while Roland finally left through the back Korgak was the person who cauard duty offer He was quite surprised by this half-orc’s decision but he supposedly liked work that didn’t require hi that much

He asked Elodia about it and she confiruild master to participate in the previous expedition Apparently, he loved nothing uard at a store instead of going down into the dungeon was much easier Even when the pay was lower if the half-orc had enough for food and drink, he was fine

This was quite the opportunity for Roland as the large brute was quite strong He would be able to take care of old rank adventurers and above would pose a threat to hiuard, Roland wasn’t confident in his defenses He started reinforcing the walls around his ho more like a medieval fortress than a farmhouse outside the woods

Now back in his workshop, he was looking over a new prototype It looked like a long cylinder with a lot of small sticks connected to the top part Besides the s out of it, it possessed a couple of ems stuck between them This made it look like a shi+ny cactus but was in actuality a new prototype of a weapon

After taking a good look over it he nodded and took it outside There he placed it down on the ground, a cable with some poas connected by him before he left it in place

“This should do it”

Even after connecting it to his power cable that went to his generator the cylinder didn’t start doing anything Which as expected, the real test would be carried out now

Roland walked away a small distance from his newest creation There he had a basket with sorain When he held one in his hand it was about the size of it and it had weight to it

First, he took out sooleured out a way to re as they were connected to a power source like his runic generator they would be able to be turned on ree cylinder’s surface started shi+ning and Roland could see the runes being activated With the device's activation, he could proceed with the test Thus he finally threw the bag filled with grain towards it and waited to see if his new creation would work as intended

At first, it didn’t seeht escaped fro poles It connected with the spot where the sack was thrown Not only one of the stakes started shi+ning as ned with the as intended”

From Roland’s perspective, it looked like the little poles that were stuck in the cylinder activated the ht The blue light was just a harht bea ite as intended

This was a ser when he created a proper one The little thin poles would be replaced by larger ones, each of the an attack spell that would activate whenever soned with it

Roland hoped to construct an active turret that would be able to et on its own accord This wasn’t such an easy task to perforuide its movement

The easier olem eyes that he was able to produce, the turret would be able to detect e it would activate one of the rods that were the closest to it The spell would be a guided

With such a rudi it move It could shoot in all directions and the rods were just another version of his paddle wands that he had a lot of ti a few of these in the backyard, he hoped to get rid of the dangerous ni, coave out a loud bark whichthan a proper wolf The first thing Roland saas a large gee


Name :

Mystical Ruby Wolf

[ L 50 ] [ Ex 0 ]

Type :
