Chapter 154 The black market. (1/2)

The Runesmith Kuropon 47760K 2022-09-11

As Roland stepped in through the wooden doors of the brothel he was already happy that he had brought his newPeople couldn’t really see it under the fabric but it was made from metal and had several runes inscribed on it

The strong s unfamiliar made him quickly inject a s rune that quickly dispatched the awful ss up with fresh air

This facemask covered both his nose and mouth It was specifically made for the sole reason to hide his real voice and filter out poison He was going into a place filled with rogues and he knew that those types liked to easses

There were even classes that made these poison attacks more potent The best and easiest way to protect soasical variant for hien tank

On the inside, he could hear a lot of chatting and laughing He could seeto various burly-looking adventurers There was a stark contrast between them as the men clearly didn’t bother to dress themselves well

“Welcoreeted hi’s entrance went away, another beauty approached hiirl looked elvish in nature but the ears were somewhat shorter Her hair also had an uncharacteristic red color which made Roland think that she was probably a half-elf instead

“Dear customer, you look confused, could it be your first time here? Do you wish for me to explain the rules?”

This was indeed Roland’s first time in such an establish shown his eyes did trace to a couple of the scantily clad wo skill, he was actually able to get a good look at all the goods even while talking to this woman

“Ah… not that won’t be necessary… I heard that you had a pub here?”

While this was mainly a brothel there was a s as the entrance to his destination was there

“Would you like one of the girls to accompany you? I’m sure that such a handsome man as you would love to have soot closer Roland was on the taller side so while looking down he had a clear view at her rather exposed cleavage If he had to compare the women from this world and his old one, it was obvious that the ones here outranked them by several points

To thiself or half-elf Even the average hue if they visited his old world He had to attribute that to the stats like charisma that probably made everyone somewhat more attractive if they leveled up

“No, that's fine, I just need so to drink”

After a little back and forth he had ed to shake the half-elven hostess and arrived at the bar Inside of it, he could see so their drinks poured to them by beauties It was hard not to notice one of these clients as he stuck out like a sore thuirl was poking Roland’s favorite idiot friend's biceps while he was flexing without a shi+rt His face was flushed red so it was clear that he was fully drunk and probably under the effect of some of the aphrodisiacs

Luckily for hi to notice Roland walking in After passing some of the drunks he arrived at the bar counter where he sat down

“What will it be, honey?”


He looked over to the ‘bartender’ he needed to do a double-take as the person behind him was quite the muscular man This wasn’t the reason why he was taken aback, the reason was that this e amount of makeup on his face Rosy cheeks, red lipstick, and fake eyelashes

Then to top it all off he earing a one-piece dress with open shoulders His arive the adventure guild master a run for his money

“Oh, are you a shy boy? I love shy boys What will it be?”

The bartender giggled like a little girl while leaning in The moment he did Roland could notice his five o'clock shadow

“Ah yes… I’e below…”

“Passage? What do you mean cutie? I’ to doubt the letter that he received but it was hard to turn back now While the bartender ‘lady’ was playing dumb she could have just been warry of people that would couild This is also why he leaned in so that no one else would hear the password that he was supposed to say

“the password is Schwertfisch…”

He felt a bit silly saying it while trying to not stick out But this was all according to the guildwith the cruet the password and just tell it to the bartender in this brothel If this turned up to be some elaborate joke, on the other hand, he would probably have a bad day

“Oh, haven’t heard that one in a while, do you have the entry fee, sugar?”

Luckily for hiuild iven identified hiuild uild and he would need to pay the price to enter inside

“Of course”

He placed five se person quickly swiped it Roland wasn’t sure where his gold disappeared to but it was apparent that this bartender was not simple

This fee was steep but it identified him as a potential black uild would go through different testing methods He on the other hand would be seen as a potential business partner The coins were there to show that he actually had enough money to use their services

“Rica, take over, I’ll be back in a moment”

The bartender was replaced by a tall lady with long white rabbit ears while theRoland followed behind him and the two entered the back rooh which he went through There were several tired-looking woerie inside It looked like this was the dressing roo ladies and it reminded him of the backroom of strip clubs from his old world

At the end of the corridor was a door and before it stood a so him there the man just stepped to the side and both of them descended into this room

The inside was dark and the smell of booze-filled his nostrils It seemed that they had entered a wine cellar as there were many bottles and barrels with alcohol everywhere