Chapter 123 Long corridors. (1/2)
The party of three and a wolf rested for the night Roland’s sleep resistance skill had been hters and after he reached his tier 2 class, it evolved Noas called Sleep immunity and he would be able to function for up to a ithout needing to sleep
Due to the nature of this predicauard The lava pool in the erous as more of the volcanic salamanders could appear out of it Then there were the s s ca would be hard, mostly for the noble lady as she was clearly not used to extrein with but the lava pool only s worse
Luckily for Robert and Lucille, they had a craftsman with them There were alsowith crystallizedfluid that could be used as fuel Lucille still had the plate that she used to control ice with, with some modification Roland was able to use the crystals to power it
Thanks to this an area with purified air was established and they could rest Lucille could barely sleep in Roland’s backup sleeping bag that didn’t really add round
Roland on the other hand continued to exaed to find various other uild while others he could use directly for his oares He did not have a pickaxe nor
It pained him to leave all of these resources behind but they needed to er they would find the a couple of the rarer materials but if he could return here alone remained to be seen
He would need to convince these two nobles to not ot back Then he would also need to be able to return here in one piece Going down the chas specialist along
The slug-like creature collapsed after being frozen by an ice arrow The monsters continued to appear after intervals which meant that this place was not safe to stay It was tiutted and the meat had been roasted over the lava pool already
“Where do you think this will lead us to Sir Wayland?”
Lucille asked while Roland opened up the secret passage
“I don’t know… but it could be a way out Soes, they mostly take you to a treasure or are a shortcut to other sections of the dungeon It could even lead us to where our co”
This place was already a trove of treasures, these ical crystals, and precious metals would make even tier 3 class holders salivate Roland hoped that this passage would take theeon area
Lucille’s eyes sparkled with naive wonder The girl was still quite chipper and didn’t realize that they could very well be walking into a trap
“Are you sure that it’s safe? Wouldn’t it be better to wait for Lord Percival to organize a rescue?”
Robert on the other hand kept a cooler head Even though they were stuck here it ht have still been safer than to venture into the unknown Roland turned to the two people here, he wanted to e He did not want to put his faith in other people too much
“You have two choices… either you can stay here and wait, or you can coo in alone if I have to”
He had already o explore all the possibilities These two could wait here if they wanted, the ic they would go down rather fast
“You intend to go in without us?”
Robert looked a bit surprised by Roland’s procla for theated to listen to their orders Unbeknownst to thened There was no clause specifically forcing him to take orders from the nobles, he was there hter
“Yes, the volcanic salamander meat should last you for soic, you won’t even need erous ”
“Remain here…”
Robert turned his head towards the cavern that they rested in for one night After thinking for a moment the brother turned to the blue-haired lady that when their eyes met just smiled
“Isn’t it fine?”
“My Lady?”
“I think we can trust Sir Wayland!”
“Ah… if the lady says so…”
Robert aardly turned towards Roland and his face instantly became stern He nodded to indicate that they were ready to ed his tail around while turning on the light-giving gee opened up and all of them quickly squeezed inside The door soon closed behind them, it was time to move on
“Not much space in here, I’ll lead the way”
The corridor was about two h for Roland and Agni to go in the front while Robert remained at Lucille’s side
Just like before, there was no light anywhere Without Agni, the two people behind hi around Roland thanks to his hel
They continued walking and it took them quite a bit to finally reach a fork in the road Two paths stood before them
“Which should we take…”
Asked Robert while Roland took out his e and only showedcorridors that somewhat intertwined with each other It was hard to
‘I don’t see any traps… no runes either…’
Agni moved forward as well, he used his wolf nose to sniff for potential clues but he also came out short With a whine, he looked up to Roland that just patted him on the head
“We’ll have to depend on luck with this one…”
Roland said while looking at Lucille and Robert He knew that his own luck stat was abysmal, it would be better if one of them chose
“How about you decide…”
He pointed to Robert as he wasn’t sure how Lucille’s luck stat looked and Robert’s was above his by soht?”
Roland nodded but before heading inside he ht blue hue escaped that crafted a runic sy
“Sir Wayland?”
“Justparanoid but it will help us if this is what I think it is…”
They continued forward and as Roland had presu a symbol above the path that they took they ventured forward into a corridor that one of the noble youth’s pointed them in
Ten minutes turned to thirty, then to an hour as they continued walking into multiple paths Then finally they cah before The symbol above the pathas clear
“This is the first path that we entered through… then that path would lead us back to the chamber with the mana crystals…”
“Oh… is that why Sir Wayland put those symbols above the pathways?”
Lucille clapped her hands as she finally figured out what Roland intended with the ood memory he would be able to remember which path they had already tried
They started to retrace their steps, now they entered the unuided them to an area that they weren’t in before With the help of this trick and Roland's good internal er cavern
“This one looks different than the rest…”
The entrance they were looking at was different by having two lit torches on the sides It was clear that this was the exit froo through