Chapter 39 Into the sewers. (2/2)

The Runesmith Kuropon 46050K 2022-09-11

The wo around and ready to leave

“Send so, that brat will probably chew No respect for his elders”

The wo about as going to happen He kne this woman operated but they dared to attack one of his assets that he was cultivating He knew that Roland had a bright future ahead of hi enchanted equiped to strike a deal with hi runes that came across everyday The ones that weren’t dwarves were even rarer He was progressing a lot faster than expected, which made him fear for what the kid would expect in the next contract

This would need to wait as there were more importantto sabotage his stores It started with sous claietting sacked Now they even tried to kill one of his workers by using the thieves guilds assassins This had to stop as soon as possible, the guild would need to give up the names of the person responsible or suffer the consequences

The gnome moved from his chair and moved to a different room In it was a round decorative nome couldn’t see his reflection in this ic artifact meant for a different purpose He reached out to one of the crystals and injected some of hisblue

After a few reen The ure appeared in the ure’s appearance was blurry at first but it slowly beca happen? You rarely call”

The person that was on the other end of the ic ite

“Yes, I need you to”

It pained the gnome that he needed to make this call He would need to spend some of that hard-earned cash but it had to be done The talk continued for a minute, the person on the other side vanished as the conversation ended

“This should do it…”

The old gnoht continued This wasn’t yet over as the un The elven wo towards a certain place, where a certain man would probably be The area that heto

This was the very cutely na to do with theht district and where all the whorehouses were, they were owned by one of the members from the council

Zilyana appeared at one of the brothels that her co-worker frequented and was lucky enough to find him As always he was naked with two ladies froed into the roo the deed, to the brothel owners' dismay The moon elf woman ell known in these parts so they didn’t stop her The reeted her with a se yourions He even sensually pointed his ‘spear’ towards the dark-skinned elven woman that just furrowed her brows

“Get dressed, we have a job to do I’ll wait outside, you have one uy as he would just tease her as always She didn’t like working with him but she knew that his skill was comparable to her own Back on the outside, Ziron finally showed up His shi+rt was unbuttoned and you could see some lipstick marks over his toned body

The man had a similar appearance to Zilyana as he was also asilver hair and dark skin, sos

“M’lady, did I keep you waiting?”

He did a courteous bohile sniggering to hiht and had a slimmer toned build He was also a htly lighter than Zilyana’s His eyes were golden in contrast to the fe to pay the guild a visit so get dressed and take this seriously…”

She narrowed her eyes at the ear on Ziron nodded and his sed into a frown, there was time for pleasure but noas the tiive me a minute…”

The talked away from the brothel and moved towards one of the dark alleys Just as the woure turned blacker as it faded into the shadows Soon the tere running next to each other Ziron’s face was now covered by a hood and a lower ear was similar to his female companionsHis armor looked to be some kind of black leather, some intricate inscriptions were visible and indicated that this was enchanted ar curved short swords that he held in his hands The two continued towards their destination at high speeds

The place they were going towards wasn’t in any of the districts in the city No, it was located beneath it, somewhere where normal residents wouldn’t even want to venture to

“I hate going to the Rat Plaza, it always smells like shi+t there…”

Theat the entrance to the so-called plaza It was a large sewer opening that would take thee array of corridors filled with various waste products They weren’t going there for the rats and bad sh, there was another place that you could only access through these passages

The two dove inside and could quickly h the dark corridors thanks to their shadoalking skills They followed the usual path and ended up at a certain wall If someone didn’t know any better he would think that this was just your everyday piece of rock The two on the other hand knehat they needed to do

“Will the beautiful lady do the honors?”

Zirion s, the elven woman just rolled her eyes and squatted down She ed to find the lever TheThe o in a circle

“One day I’ll kill the bastard that placed that damn lever in a spot like that”

Zilyana pulled out a bottle of water fro her hand with it The two then stepped through the now opened up passage The slow- wall didn’t stop until it was sealed On the other side, they were greeted by another corridor this ti the way

They could already hear so inside as they had arrived in the hidden part of the city of Edelgard This was the place where all the thieves and bandits spent their ti outside The thieves guild that they were going after was also here

The talked inside, past the torch-lit corridor was a large open space There were variousfood though This hat most people would call a black market Various stolen iteet body parts of humans and monsters that were forbidden for various reasons

The talked past thosetheir faces in one way or another The whole Rat Plaza spread through the cities underground like a spiderweb There were various larger junctions and pockets like this black anizations Ones dealt in slaves, others in assassinations and then there was the thieves guild

It operated in a siuild and also had other branches in different cities It was a group that wasn’t very tightly knit like the adventurers though, fights for the guild uilds froet involved with each other unless the payuilds retaliate if so happened Unless someone made it hile

This was also why these two elves were quite confident in the task that was given to theround space into one of the round corridors Their destination, the zone where the guild had their headquarters, it was tiet blood on their hands