Chapter 28 Setting out on an expedition. (1/2)

The Runesmith Kuropon 51750K 2022-09-11

Some time had passed since Helci’s first expedition into the forest That was sole goblin and had to be rescued by soe to level up once, the goblin that she injured had chased after her and was finished off by the huained part of the shared experience after the kill and ed to level up

This incident h to wander alone into the forests She also figured out that the white goblins that were in this forest were stronger than the regular green ones

She was a scout, this was a combat class while also a utility class, so she needed to increase her combat and detection skills She didn’t receive any free weapon proficiencies as they needed to be trained by herself She needed to increase her basic dagger proficiencies and ility and wouldn’t be good with heavier weapons

With their good eyesight, a scout ood archer but they mostly needed to use short bows or crossbows due to their lack of strength Contrary to popular belief, archers relied h power to draw their large longbows The dexterity and good vision then added to their ai proficiencies

After the first level, she had received a basic trapfinding skill Before that she only had a passive that allowed her to see better and spot hidden ene or their skill in stealth was really low

The half-gno her passive weapon proficiencies along with doing basic strength training While at it she alsothat she could get a job there To her dismay, not many people wanted to take in a bronze class scout into their mids that was only on their first class

The other adventurers didn’t want to put their faith in an inexperienced tracker Someone that could detect the enemies before they ambushed you was a cornerstone of every party They were soes or priests

Time continued to pass, in the day she worked at the inn while in the evening she did her training She was quite diligent and evensome of the basic coh her first class change People who didn’t train the basic skills beforehand would find the a class

After a few ed to land a spot in a party She agreed on loages and wasextra Her first job was to protect a caravan that would take her on a teek trip back and forth The pay wasn’t great but she still took it

This forced her to quit her job at the inn The innkeeper wasn't happy about an abrupt leaving of his worker but he could do nothing but shrug The first quest unfolded with so ed to clear them out with only a couple of people injured Soon she started leveling up and her adventurer life had finally begun She found the encounter very exciting and was hoping for more but to her dismay, it wasn’t always so action-packed

Her party spent teeks walking in front of a cart and so it Theconditions were even worse than at the inn as they either slept outside or in one of the carriages She even had to deal with the

She also didn’t like the looks that so her Luckily she wasn’t the only feroup and they never went too far Her new party consisted of her as a scout, tarriors, a girl that was an archer, and another scout that was already in his second-tier 1 class that was a tracker This was a popular class to take along with a scout as it also hadskills

Everyone besides her was a steel rank so she was the newbie of the group She had to do things like cooking or washi+ng their dirty clothes She knew that they didn’t consider her a real party es were all comparable to her as she had a late start

The days continued to pass and she never returned to the inn Her levels were slowly rising but without any dungeon nearby her progress was er Her party didn’t want to move to another city as they were okay with easy transport work She on the other hand wanted er and earn soht news of the expedition to Manstos Grotto and hoasa monster infestation To her surprise, the party refused this request telling her that it sounded sketchy There wasn’t enough info about the ht not be correctly mapped out They were the types that liked to play it safe so they refused the request

She went away fu, she didn’t want to do the protectionthose and she was still only a level 10 She wanted to progress faster but was afraid to head out on her own Luckily this expedition was accepting almost everyone even bronze adventurers could join

To the protests of her party, she decided to go there as a solo act They didn’t want to budge even after she asked theain This wasn’t considered a betrayal of trust or anything, it wasn’t rare for adventurers to change parties and to join larger expeditions like this on their own They wished her good luck and to come back in one piece

She arrived early in the athered She took her ti She earing light armor and the sah coin to ear She also looked at her status screen while wondering how she compared to others at her level


Name :

Helci Scout L10




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Scout Class

Increases staeneration by 20, Improves vision by 25
