Chapter 25 Making a deal (2/2)

The Runesmith Kuropon 47090K 2022-09-11

“I’ve got to give it to ya, you have a lot of talent if you can produce spells of that quality and all at such a young age

Heover to another desk that was in the corner It had a large chair behind it, probably so that he could see over it as it looked to be human-sized He sat himself down and then took out a wooden pipe, smoke soon flowed out from his nostrils

Roland was a bit worried that he was exposed, he had disguised hi for so his wares Maybe if he played dumb he could still evade suspicion

“I was just hired to deliver the scrolls there…”

The gno at an idiot He scuffed so out some smoke Roland’s way

“You sure are persistent with your little story If you wanted to hide you shouldn’t have stuck out like a vampire in the sun”

“Listen here, your secret is out I could give athat stupid disguise I am here to talk about money!”

Roland just remained in place and continued to listen At this point, he already figured that there was no way of talking hinome person probably had informants at the auction house that tipped hiood at hiding He as atrouble so people could easily sneak upon hiot talent kid, but even more important than that is that class and work ethic”

“That class?”

The gno the pipe from his reen kid, do you think you can hide your special class from anyone without an enchantnome’s eyes shone blue for a split second as he looked at Roland

“Level 10 already? Not bad, you have a bright future ahead of you if you continue working hard”

Roland took a step back while digesting this inforh identification skill and he could read him as an open book His Runic Mana Scribe class had been revealed to hi about it

“You saw ht, I have a very good ence types”

“Then so runic spell scrolls, noould any respectable Runesmith sell crummy spell scrolls? Maybe it was a Runic Mana Scribe instead, hured him out was revealed It was all mostly thanks to one skill All of the work that went into his disguise had been for nothing as he was exposed right fro What the old man wanted from him was still up to debate

“That’s just…”

He sluured out but apparently he was just deluding himself

“No, I’, so just relax and take a seat, we have a lot to talk about”

Roland just sat down in defeat, there was no reason to deny it anymore

“What do you want?”

“Notone of those ludicrous contracts”

Roland was quick to reply, he still wasn’t willing to get hi for six years in one spot He would rather leave the city and try elsewhere, he had h to relocate

“Those contracts are for talentless hacks, you kid have a future”

“This is how I see it…”

“I’ll supply you with the location where you can develop your craft, I’ll even lower the price for thebusiness He wanted to sponsor Roland, he would give hi The contract he was offering was a lot less strenuous than the one he saw half a year ago

He wouldn’t need to share any of his secrets He would only be required to continue crafting like he already did This store would take care of the selling part, their commission was also lower than of the auction house at 15

“This contract looks a bit one-sided… why are you willing to give me so much freedo here was that he could only sell his wares to this store He could freely craft for hiive them away for free if he wanted There was even a clause that he was allowed to sell it at a cheaper price for a couple of people of his choosing and he could also negotiate for it The period of this contract was also shorter, just three years After which he was up for renegotiating or just leaving outright

“That’s an easy answer, you show a lot of proe that have such a high level"

"You probably don’t realize how rare unique classes like yours are”

“I a to invest in your talent, I don’t think that it’s a bad deal”

Thethe contract ready Roland only needed to sign on the dotted line and it would be finalized The punishhtly lesser curse that would only remove his mana by 30 It also didn’t take into effect instantly if he broke one rule and he could work it out with the boss to evade it

It was actually a good contract for so and no influence like hi to worry about the price y with their purchases

He would also get his own place to tinker about Probably one of the roo This contract could even extend to when he advanced to a blacksmith It was easy to scribe spell scrolls, but he would need a fully equipped s done as a blacks as required to present him with facilities for his craft It wasn’t limited to his runic mana scribe profession either

“I see that you have made your research, it would probably be unwise forat the old nome also warned him about the other stores Apparently not everyone was as lenient as he was OthersIt would be easy to pull sos and have hiard

In this city, there existed so like a council Their members were the most influential businesse sathered every three months for discussions If an upstart appeared they would first try to get them over to their side If they resisted they would be crushed Roland was flying under the radar for now but as soon as he tried creating his own co

The Gnome here was part of it so he could put him under his protective umbrella and shi+eld him from any future woes

Roland ht, the deal wasn’t that bad and he was still young The contract was only three years so he would have a lot of leehen he i he would have to keep this up until he would actually have enough money to buy his oorkshop

“Let et a copy of this contract and read it over?”

The old gnome didn’t have a reason to refuse and Roland left He would read through the contract again and co allowed to keep his own brand sy his identity hidden In the end, he would agree to it, his life of crafting had only begun with this step