Chapter 447 - Deep Underground (1/1)

Chapter 447 - Deep Underground

The vertical ladder appeared to reach deep underground Even with the flickering light that dangled fros Gu Jun, Yu Chi, Keziah Mason and the cat had been travelling down the stairs for 2 hours already Based on the progress they round already Exhaustion clai Theoretically speaking, the deeper they went, the thinner the oxygen coe It was unknohether this was due to the uniqueness of the diy in the world

The other situation was the ability to close large distances with small steps was not replicated here This made it perfect for the Ganzfeld effect There were a few moments where Gu Jun believed he saw soli towards h had his attention turned elsewhere The di on the walls They were e locusts Rituals normally required a specific environment set up and these were probably one of theroith uncertainty

"What's wrong?" Gu Jun asked With no paper, it was basically impossible to communicate with the cat But her meow made all 3 of them stop terew froripped the rungs tightly and leaned close to the wall The cat hugged Gu Jun's neck with her paws and used her tail to twine around the ladder frame Beneath them was an endless abyss If they slipped… the fall would be fatal

"Hroaned in pain If she still had not obtained the witch's power, this would be a harsh test on her Gu Jun understood that She was not as powerful as theShe was essentially a pampered lady fro she had done was probably social dancing at balls

Regardless, Gu Jun did not let his guard down After all, the witch's poas still out there in hiding Could it really abandon its original host? Gu Jun could not tell Keziah Mason was clueless as well but fate decreed that she'd regain control of it in the future They hung there for a , it grew stronger The walls itself were shaking like so down froently There was a new change to the situation Even though there were still 2 hours to the countdown but no one could guarantee nothing else would happen before the countdown ended

"Keep on going on!" Gu Jun shouted, "We have to, this quake won't be stopping anytime soon" Since Keziah Mason was at the bottom, if she did not move, the rest of them couldn't as well However, this was hard on her She had almost slipped several times already Gu Jun missed Xue Ba then With Captain Xue's size, he could have carried Keziah Mason easily while cli down In contrast, he could only carry a cat

"My ar as well "I can't do this anymore…"

"Miss Mason, I need you to focus, we'll be there in a round We're not far away!" This was just a lie, just like a white lie the doctors told their patients He looked down and saw only a yawning abyss He had no idea how irl did continue to ly stable descent Gu Jun could not help but wonder if her frailty was an act After all, the exercise was strenuous even for him

"Captain Gu, we need to pace ourselves…" Yu Chi said between breaths "Reo into details but Gu Jun caught the gist He was referring to the stairs at Pnakotus Library Was this a trap to drain their energy so that the things at the bottom could have a field day with the ti by the stairs" Gu Jun said helplessly "If anything, we'll be evenI think we should just power on down"

"You're right" Yu Chi agreed but his voice took on an edge The quake did not stop and they had to erous than the one preceding it After another half an hour, Gu Jun finally spotted the blurry ground It was a hollowed-out cave There was no one in sight "We're almost there!"

This time, Keziah Mason answered hoarsely, "Sir… you've said that about 10 ti When she looked down on her own, she realized he was telling the truth this tih their bodies to finish this final stretch Soon, the three of theround with no energy to even le muscle

"Meow…" The cat was the only one who landed on her feet Her tail swished the air She looked at the 3 piteously She was thankful that she was spared the exercise The cave was unguarded probably because all the locust God cultists were gathered at the altar The cave led off to 16 different tunnels, 4 on each side They looked suspiciously siht fixtures affixed to the wall The tunnel roads were smooth and they stretched forward like aThe three rested for a while before they could stand up again The two irl's status but their own bones felt like breaking

"Where should we go next?" Yu Chi scratched his head as he looked around, "Which road leads to the altar or this whole thing is the altar?"

"Do we really have enough power to destroy this place?" Gu Jun asked with a frown and no one answered This was not a sround city Furtherel City cultists not only knew spells, they had conventional weapons like guns and grenades The trio though had nothing but fatigue It felt like they alking towards their doom

"Meow" The cat raised her paw to point down a direction and then she spelt out the folloith the letters, "I think it's this way, I can hear voices coht on my feet Plus I have 9 lives"