Chapter 444 - Delineating The Border (1/1)

Chapter 444 - Delineating The Border

The invasion of the Flying Locust dropped the entire Mo Bei City into chaos On theof 19th March, a day after the appearance of the Flying Locust, about 100 first batch patients rode on strange birds and arrived from the desert wasteland They either self-exploded or were shot down by snipers For now, Mo Bei reat loss Evacuation effort at certain districts had to be halted One of the districts was delineated as the first quarantine zone and it was filled with more than ten thousand suspected infected patients When the carriers exploded, they were all within the radiation radius--- 8000 metres if they used Head thee number of citizens There were also children and senior citizens

There was also a second quarantine zone for people who had interacted with the suspected infected patients After a 24 hour observation, the suspected patients at first quarantine zone were all diagnosed with allotriophagy; at the second quarantine zone, there were 3000 plus people with positive diagnosis This outbreak tested the governuard, treatment, pain alleviation… all this needed overnment's help, troops, who had written their wills, were sent into Mo Bei

Back at the quarantine base, the condition of the second batch victi Locust, the mental problem of the patients conspicuously worsened Thousands of students and staff froh School started to suffer from hallucination However, the medical team had no other solution other than to shoot the part was the patients' physical condition Even with the IV drip, their bodies suffered from dehydration and starvation sy and blood flow to the brain ceased, causing cerebral ischeh but the DNA analysis of these Locust Sickness patients confir's hypothesis Compared to their previous DNA make-up (derived froiant difference The mutated DNA location was similar across all the sale reat mutation to the human body In the Locust Sickness' case, there were multiple mutations in the DNA strands They could not tell whether the 'locustization' was caused by a singlethey could confirm was this sickness was due to DNA mutation

That was the result that thewho ca for this was a problem beyond current huenetic problem To ease the patients' pain, the medical team knew exactly what to do It was to provide the the patients towards death If they had years, coht coenetic correction treatment But they did not have years, they barely had a week Si Kouxian, wang Ruoxiang and Cai Zixuan were suffocated by a sense of helplessness

The earliest clinical experiment was over 6 patients were sent to the desert wasteland's frontline, they helped the dare-to-die teaed to use their bodily instinct to differentiate between the two different types of soils During this first , the dare-to-die tea any of the soil

However, 6 patients were not enough to chart out the see border Due to the time constraint, they needed more patients to help out at the desert wasteland Hence a second clinical experiment was ordered This time, they needed 100 patients So ht to be a part of the experiment At least then they had a chance to interact with and maybe eat so…" Zhou Kewen said during his application "I know my life is over, but at least letabout his death His last as one hugely influenced by his biological needs, "Can I feast on the soil before I die? Letyou…"

"I can't letJinbo applied too He too wished to have a meal of the soil before he died In this complex cocktail of eluttony for the abnormal soil, the 100 considerably stable patients joined thethe mission, 63 of them lost their aze and rushed towards the border They were not trying to escape Instead, they collapsed to the ground and shovelled handfuls of dirt into theirdown their faces, while they stuffed their er When hunger doer, extreer, most modern man had no idea what that meant However, history provided many bloody examples of it It turned humans into beasts Human morality and pride were shattered They feasted onthat was able to satisfy that hunger

Bang, bang, bang…

Following their instructions, the snipers eli, Zhou Kewen… died froh the skull The snipers attenity as much as they could The patients' bodies collapsed on the wasteland and they were then thrown into blazes by reater radiation dae Their condition worsened after they returned to the base After the mission was over, they all chose euthanasia These 100 patients chose to ful If human civilization survived this invasion, they would be remembered But for now, the command central did not have the time to worry about them With the death of patients, the border of the desert wasteland was finally marked out It was about 2 cubic km in size The life circleRuoxiang stayed to observe and analyse the situation at the frontline through the unshots shattered her heart as well It tore through her nerves

'Are we doctors or undertakers?' She questioned internally

What else could clinical doctors like them do at this moment? When she was still at est responsibility was to alleviate the patient's pain A good doctor was not one who saved the most lives but those who could provide the most comfort to the patients There were si one… What a good doctor needed to do was to allay their suffering…

She had not had a good sleep in a long while Whenever she closed her eyes, the patients' painful deaths would return to haunt her Even under such condition, wang Ruoxiang participated in the returning patients' consultation and euthanasia Locust Sickness changed their bodies and corrupted their minds but at least they could leave this world peacefully The day was e arrived

wang Ruoxiang was shaken awake from a blurry dream She then rushed to the co at the monitor It showed the situation at the desert wasteland's frontline A drone appeared in the air and a reround They crossed the border from another dimension and entered the desert wasteland However, these were not Phecda's outfits The logo on them was unfamiliar They had the Chinese character Mysterium on them