Chapter 384 - Oriental Demon (1/2)
Chapter 384: Oriental Dee kept on rolling down the mud track It left the already remote small town to arrive at an even more abandoned countryside It was by then late afternoon The setting sun dyed the sky red Night would soon arrive as evidenced by the birds returning to their nests With a yip from the old man, the brown horses stopped The inertia caused some of the bale to drop “Mr Gu, you can come out now” The man introduced, “Welcome to my fars cauest with cheerful barks
“Thank you, Mr Joyce” Gu Jun crawled out fros carefully This was not a big farm It was practically just a yard converted into one A fence was placed around a 2 story building and the space contained a wooden shed, stable and chicken coop It permeated the air with a stale barnyard sle old e on his own
“I was not the only one here” Mr Joyce appeared to notice the question on Gu Jun’s face and he explained in the same open tone, “There were ot into an accident and my wife died from the loss”
Gu Jun frowned “I’m so sorry” The pain was clear underneath the frankness of Mr Joyce’s tone The oldinto the house “Tis and bread sound?”
“Wonderful” Gu Jun was starving His stomach rumbled at the sound of food He only had a simple breakfast that ‘day’ He traversed from Eastern State Division to the oak forest, then to the wasteland and noas here He was both physically and mentally drained He followed the old h Massachusetts was already quite developed in the 1929, that was only lier cities At sy had not arrived Mr Joyce’s home was simple and sparse There was no electronics like television or phone
“My son,” Mr Joyce began as if to hi man He died at 26 He perished near Inns for a better work opportunity but on the way there, he ran into an accident A carriage-pulling horse was spooked The tragedy injured several people and Jack was one of them He was especially unlucky because the horse trampled on his chest in its panic and he died on the spot”
Gu Jun was silent He followed the old as burners
“Such accidents are common at Innsmouth” Mr Joyce continued, “The place is hoe incidents Chickasaw is already backwards enough but Inns to legends, it was a host town No train passes by the place and if you want to head there, you have to pass through Arkhahed, “My poor Jack His ht he could repurpose the abandoned houses at Innsmouth but instead lost his life on the way there”
“Does the place still havethere?” Gu Jun asked
“Not s to prepare the oenerations and there is still a gold forging factory With gentrification, only the older generation will reh, you will never see a senior at Inns people in their prime It was as if the citizen will autoe”
Gu Jun contemplated silently ‘Move away? To where?’
“The people of Innss fizzled on the stove Mr Joyce flipped theends about the place but of course, most of them are probably just malicious rumours It’s due to the fact that Innsious belief than we do… And we’re always prejudiced against those different than us Actually, Mr Gu, that is why I’ve invited you here I have a few questions related to this and perhaps you’ll be able to provide me with clarification”
“Please” Gu Jun nodded “I’ll try my best to answer”