Chapter 222 - Missing Person (2/2)

“There was no follow up, you idiot, they were never found” Kathlyn scolded her boyfriend helplessly Gu Jun narrowed his eyes as he scanned the vehicles around hi to assess what this all meant ‘These are all the cars that have been trapped here? But soot here? That’s why there are both new and old cars… but if that is the case, what happened to the passengers inside the new cars?’ The saroup Their eyes wandered about, the sides of the street extended into bleak and treacherous sandy desert, sparse with bushes and sers had wandered off the beaten path?

“Come, let’s head on down this way” Gu Jun walked towards the southern-west side, which here Warburton was supposedly situated Peacock and the rest carried the old rock with the desert for several hundredappear before them It caused Kathlyn and the rest to turn pale Annie He covered her mouth, if not for Aquamarine’s support, she would have vomited already

“Ah… God damn it…”

“This is… My God…”

There were soround, there were adults and children but all of their heads had been cut off The headless bodies were not left haphazardly, instead they were placed carefully several metres fro the transmission tower They seemed to form a circle around the transe circle, one needed more than a handful of dead bodies…

As they walked closer, they noticed some of the lined carcasses had already shrunk into desiccated corpses Their tattered clothes revealed parched skin that stuck to the bones Strangely enough none of the bodies showed any sign of putrefaction but they gave off a horrible stench

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The other bodies were relatively fresh, and putrefaction had not set in This meant that the time of death for each body was different Gu Jun’s headache was returning and the shadow in his heart was reacting, the visions of death that he saeen the torlds returned

‘Where have the heads of these bodies gone?’

“This is probably soly “I do not recognize it but this suggests to me some kind of sacrificial ritual” Malachite and the rest nodded solereement

‘If this is a sacrificial ritual,’ Gu Jun looked around, ‘then these people who accidentally entered this abnormal space are probably taken up as the sacrifice, in that case, wouldn’t that include us as well?’