Chapter 218 - Seven Cryptical Books Of Hsan Training Syndrome (2in1) (1/2)
Chapter 218: Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan Training Syndroes in their way of thinking?’ Gu Jun was alerted immediately “What do you es to their personal preference” Wu Siyu stared at the cotton candy cloud on stage “For example, they used to like cotton candy but now they favor rock candy As a member of the Recreational Department, I notice this quite easily Oh, there is another curious change, they all have adopted a preference for the color yellow”
“Yellow? The color of earth?” He asked Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan was suspected to originate fro of the earth’s Gods so could that be the reason why?
“That was the same hypothesis that Phecda came up with as well, yellow earth In fact when I was close to them, I could sense the se to their personality”
“Are there signs of thought disorder?” Gu Jun pressed, “Like thought deprivation or thought insertion?” These were both terht pulled away by an external force while thought internal was having thoughts that did not originate from one’s mind forcibly injected into one’s brain Neither could be controlled by the subject, they werevictims of schizophrenia Gu Jun had questioned Tom, and Kathlyn about it before After that fated birthday party, other than illusory hearing, they occasionally suffered froht disorder And Gu Jun hiht insertion when he travelled between the torlds He wondered if any of these were related
“I have no clue but I heard the psychiatrists frons of mild and unobstructive schizophrenia” Wu Siyu answered “This was because the hly functional, and they do not suffer froes to their individual preferences, they are perfectly healthy To prevent the stigma, Phecda temporarily na syndroative effect Oh, right There’s oneto the members, they have experienced more vibrant dreaell’s Order had done more research on it but they could not find any sinosis was it was due to the overactivity of the subconscious”
“H, the physical body should have transmuted as well, he had mastered the first chapter so he knew that to be the truth Then again the change to one’s nervous system was harder to detect
“Dirty-?” He asked
“Hed “I’ht be a blessing in disguise” Gu Jun announced glu spells come with side effects, Phecda still has no idea what they’re dealing with…”
“For the record, I a lazy, I just simply dislike the book, it feels like it has caused your death”
“No, without it, ouldn’t have won that house of nightmare” Froed sword, it would defeat the ene the Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan back with hi to allow Phecda to reveal it to the othermuch detailed research on it For the very least they had to understand the risk fro the book first, but from what Wu Siyu claimed, it appeared like Phecda had ju to Wu Siyu, over the past year, Phecda had been going non-stop researching the spell book, fro Their research revealed that if any picture was taken of the book, the words on it would turn into h the human eye, the content would surface, reht Pressure of thought was another type of thought disorder, it was most common in patients of multiple personality disorder, it referred to the sudden addition of connections inside the brain that did not belong to oneself This was categorized as another sy syndrome
“This phenomenon is not only limited to literal words” She continued, “To clarify, all theof connection with the book whenever they studied it It was as if the book was bonding with theanized a control study They had the contents from the same chapter copied onto a normal paper, and handed the they felt fro and they could no longer understand the content of the copied chapter anyanization concluded that the book is spiritual, it cannot be coh words alone, one has to personally read the book to understand it” The toorized as a unique relic, it could not be copied, not even with the best photocopy machine
Every Spell Department member had to read the book at least once before they started training for a new chapter or they would not be able to start their training The Spell Departiven the copy while the other was given the original, the for Currently, the Spell Departed to decipher the content of the toress htestof the book was directly correlated to one’s mastery of it For example, for Wu Siyu, she was unable to understand the content of the third chapter because she had not finished the second chapter
That was all Wu Siyu knew about the experiments, there had to be more but she had limited clearance to find out about them Gu Jun knew that with her talent and potential, if she illing, she would easily be leading the Spell Department now Wu Siyu then updated Gu Jun on the status of his friends Cai Zixuan probably did not havelike this, like her, he too was stuck in the second chapter; It was the sa, he too was stuck in the second chapter, it probably had to do with his age Xue Ba was in the third chapter, Lou Xiaoning the fourth; but theWith her talent and hard work, she was now at fifth chapter and apparently she was close to h, every h a series of applications and assessress to unlock the next chapter The process was strict and rigorous, currently there were less than 10 people ere allowed to study the fourth and fifth chapter
“In fact it was Ruoxiang as the first to break through to the fifth chapter From that, everyone speculated that doctors probably do have affinity with spell learning” Wu Siyu commented