Chapter 164 - Snow (1/2)

Chapter 164: Snow-capped Mountain

Translator: Lonelytree

After Gu Jun revealed the new clue, Phecda iation into the Inuits But the Inuits were a roup made up of many small tribes, and they were spread quite sparsely across the Arctic circle with each tribe having their own culture and legends The shi+p rants back then supposedly came froraphy, not ion and culture The sparse records said that they worshi+ped soed them to lead a life sheltered from modernization Due to their self-isolation, not much was recorded about them

The Inuits froel Island Some died on the island while others disappeared and were speculated to have joined other tribes That roup of Inuits very difficult

Gu Jun’s group did not have better luck at Ushakovskoye Other than the picture, the village appeared to be a normal Inuit settle sinister behind it The proof was the ritual in his illusion Perhaps Petrov’s death was even directly related to that ritual In any case, they would find out more when they located the cliff where the ritual was performed After their destination was settled, the Arctic Wolf squad went into preparation mode

Different from the southern coast where the base was located, the cliff was at the eastern end of the island’s raphy was relatively co impossible The snow could easily cause a plane crash Therefore, they had to go on foot The group would have to take a car for forty kilo the mountain base where they would have to hike The cliff was 635 h of a climb, but it wouldn’t be an easy one because the snow and ice would erous

The weather conditions were definitely not suitable for hiking, but the epide The separation of the patients had stretched the er, so Gu Jun’s group had to power on The day after Gu Jun’s team landed on the island, the weather had slowed down so to plan

“We still have not solved the mystery of the polar bear” Gu Jun briefed everyone before theI have a feeling this won’t go as smoothly as we hope”

In fact, they were not even sure whether that polar bear even existed now because the tracking on it went nowhere The bear had not appeared in any satellite pictures despite the fact that everyone had seen it Now, the superiors suspected that they had all succumbed to a collective illusion This unsolved mystery added to the uncertainty of this mission They needed to be prepared, but it was hard to prepare when they had no idea what they would face

Not long after they departed, it started to snow The armored snow mobiles left tracks that were soon covered up in snow They consisted of a large team that was made up of thirty members from Russia, thirty members froroup They had covered sixteen kilootten so dark that all they could see was snow against a black backdrop The place would be transformed in the summer The unique weather conditions meant that this place would be a haven for non-vascular plants that could not be found in any other part of the world

To prevent mental pressure and the Ganzfeld Effect, none of the tea outside theThe drivers would be relying on the radar to find their way However, Gu Jun and Wu Siyu relied on their ESP Soer ESP Therefore, Gu Jun kept his eyes glued outside theHe alternated between viewing it through night-vision goggles and with the naked eye He was trying to sense their direction He could see pictures for before hih the air