Chapter 95 - A Song (1/2)
Chapter 95: A Song
Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Lonelytree
A cloud of black ravens flew through the gray sky They gave off an ugly caw, causing the mist around the team to thicken even further
“Those are people fronize the clothes like that froures were blurred behind the h for Gu Jun to recognize them easily The rest of the Demon Hunters were already in battleof course The uns aimed at the eneures disappeared behind the giant trees, …” Yang Henan, who had rapidly set up the sniper rifle, cursed Even the heat sensor could not look through the creepy giant trees The group was still catching their beath, but the hissing of the beasts appeared to soundGradually, some animals walked out from the mist Now they all had a closer look It was unclear whether they were abnormal creatures or an unidentified animal They had the slick bodies of wolves, but each one was the size of a brown bear The fur wassaliva sent chills down their spines Before Xue Ba could come to a conclusion, suddenly, the mutated pack of wolves pounced at them They came from everywhere
“assault team Open fire!” Xue Ba ordered immediately His face was set with determination “The rest of you, stay back Do not waste a, and the rest pulled the trigger There were two members positioned on each of the four sides They all opened fire, and the sound of gunshots echoed through the air The shell casings rained onto the shrine The weapons that had defined hu exploded in sparks The recoil pressed into thetheir already sore bodies to feel like they were about to tear open into pieces
However, the beasts did not seeh the frontline was a blurry uts and blood, those on the back sca wails of their kin and the heavy stench of blood only sent the mutated wolves into a deeper maddened trance They moved faster, and more and more of the wave of feralcursed loudly Uncle Dan was responsible for keeping watch over her This kind of beast had a thick hide; a shot to their body would not be able to take them down Their weakness was a shot to the head However, the beasts moved incredibly fast, and the Demon Hunters were in a very bad state It was impossible to hope that every bullet would be a headshot As the leader of thehad the best accuracy If she was not incapacitated, she would have been a great contributor To be forced to watch on the sidelines, it must have eaten deeply at her heart
Lin Mo and the other members of the Scientific Research Departiant trees to the shrine, there was already a huge trail of dead beasts
‘Are they really born without fear? That is totally against the rule of nature…’
But Gu Jun was thinking, ‘Are these things even real?’
That suspicion crossed Xue Ba’s mind as well Instantly, he had Zhou Yi draw one of the wolves into the shrine and only downed it then The duo moved toward the body while they provided cover for each other Xue Ba kicked at the dead wolf It was corporeal; this was not an illusion This was bad news because the wolves were still co, but they had already exhausted half of their ammo It was a matter of tih the enemy ranks!” Xue Ba shouted and then turned to ask for Gu Jun’s opinion “Which way should we go?”
“I don’t know…” Gu Jun’s itation Xue Ba had to rely on his own instincts He chose to charge in the direction opposite from the dead tree Gu Jun and Zhou Huohuo carried Lin Mo, who had crawled onto the stretcher The teah the wave of wolves But right at that e voice ca Coe It sounded like a song It was not clear, but it o and agitation in Gu Jun deepened Hefrom the other world…”
“The inception of life echoes from the darkness and voicelessness of the stone tunnel,
“Vipers, worms, and deht, pain, pain, pain”
“How coht them out of the shrine, but when they looked around, they realized with shock that they were still standing at the shrine It appeared like they had circled their way around even though they were sure that they were heading outward The bullets could fly out, and the beast could charge in, so it was not a spatial problem That left the possibility that they had fallen for some kind of mental trick
Xue Ba ordered the tea had disappeared without a trace The whole experience felt surreal It was like they knew they were drea They snapped themselves out of it, only to find themselves trapped in another dream It was then that the Demon Hunters realized the li eney, they were powerless
“It’s the song!” Xue Ba shouted until his veins around his neck popped He tried to use loud volume to disturb theelse instead Filter out the song!”