Chapter 85 - Black Gale (1/2)

Chapter 85: Black Gale

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Lonelytree

The stone path did not look used by age, and there was no dao, but there was no trace of dust, which created this contradiction of being old and new at the same time This was the discovery that confused the Deround tunnel should look like It was too clean and too quiet The leading members climbed down ninety plus steps and stopped just before the hundredth step Xue Ba turned to give another update, which none had any idea was sent out or not “Command, we have reached the hundredth step No valuable discoveries so far”

A hundred steps and nothing had changed! All the angle, ratio, and size of the stone steps had remained constant The stone walls that appeared to be carved by nature had no gaps If not for the disappearance of the light fro by the ht that they had been walking on the spot

“This is unbelievable…” Lin Mo sighed on the stretcher He was the scientific research y and architecture However, even those ere amateurs in those fields would understand that it was iround tunnel like this So, this begged the question, who or what created the walls outside and this tunnel?

The few flashlights lit up the surrounding, but it did nothing to penetrate the darkness below Could this really be a bottoroup was shrouded in silence Xue Ba astutely observed this rising tension After giving his latest update, he said, “Uncle Dan, how about a joke? Anything scandalous?”

Xue Ba knew that words like ‘this is just a normal tunnel, don’t be afraid’ were hollow, but a joke could help lighten the mood

“Your wish is my command!” Uncle Dan naturally knew the captain’s intention His face took on a salacious expression The s head even stood up He said with a snicker, “Let me tell you about the time I went out to meet an internet friend Based on a true story, okay…”

Soon, everyone broke into s the front of the stretcher, he walked in the radually pulled by the blood red patterns on the surface of the rocks around hi and pulsing like capillaries Life, he felt the radiance of life from them Was it an illusion caused by his ownHuohuo who carried the other end of the stretcher to pause He focused on his surrounding again, and that feeling only got heavier…

Suddenly, he felt sole one of his pores was shaking

“Wind…” Gu Jun mumbled “There’s a breeze!” He quickly alerted the tea”

‘Draft?’ The group stopped to feel it, but none of the Huohuo ere next to Gu Jun said they did not feel anything Thethe ated; it was confusingly stable Theoretically speaking, the further they went underground, the lower the coen should have been Either way, Xue Ba did not dare overlook this His bushy brows creased together What was the ?

As the tea? After all, one could not tell clearly when a person’s S value was too low…

“It’s breathing…” Gu Jun was still trying to process the sti We’ve awakened it”