Chapter 419: Bow Down to the King (1/2)

My Hermes System Romeru 29150K 2022-09-10

Chapter 419: Bon to the King

"The World Eaters… are your saviors?"


"Whatever their nao"


With the only sound that they could hear were each other's voices, each of the words that were co out of Van's mouth felt like it pierced Apollo's mind to the very core Apollo had been with the Systellions for more than 50 thousand years now, he almost basically knew all of them

"I know," Apollo then quietly said as he shook his head

"" Van could not help but blink as he heard Apollo's o he couldn't even convince Apollo no matter what he said to him, but now he just nodded his head Did it really have so his God Soul?

"But still…" Apollo then let out a se the fact that I… and the other Olympians are alive because of them"


"There must be a reaso-- Oi!"

And before Apollo could finish his words, he felt his insides al his body as the scenery in front of hied; not only his eyes, but his skin fully reflected the purple color of the Portal

"Can you not do that without any warning?" Apollo then muttered as he fixed his hair

"I need to check on the his eyes towards the two spherical shi+ps froe of the Portal, with Van careful not to make their presence known-- but even if they soh the side of the Portal, the shi+p wouldn't be able to follow hi back inside the Portal

"Can you tell ?" Van then asked

"" Apollo, however, see his silence

"They already betrayed you… and you're still not convinced that you should be on h as he shook his head

"That… may be the case-- some of the people inside that shi+p are my friends," Apollo replied with a small and wry chuckle

"Friends don't shoot--"

"I know," Apollo breathed out loudly, "Is… Athena truly with you?"

"She's on her way here as we speak," Van nodded, "As well as Dionysus"

"That snake is also with you!?"

"Snake?" Van chuckled, "Quite a fitting name since he had betrayed me a couple of times," he then said as his eyes did not leave the two sun-sized shi+ps Van aiting for the since he had already captured Apollo… but did he actually overestimate his importance?

"And yet he is still on your side?" Apollo then snickered, "And here you are talking tohim to be on my side because I can kill hilanced at Apollo, "That's probably also the only reason why you and the other Olympians are alive-- because they can just squash you any time they want"


"So… what are they doing?" Van then once again turned his focus on the Systellion shi+ps; which truly did look quite surreal-- like a giant ball of alaxy in a vacuuain remained quiet as Van asked his question But after a few more breaths, "I don't know the full detail"


"I a the truth," Apollo said as he raised his hand, "Their technology, even after a thousand years of being with the toto accli for so"

"I's," Apollo scoffed, "They're trying to detect the nuent life fory levels to measure their response--"

"And their response toyou?"

"No," Apollo shook his head, "I came out on my own as soon as the shi+p detected you In fact, they're probably just trying to eli ht,"Van squinted

"They are very meticulous creatures," Apollo followed as he looked at the two shi+ps, "Onlywhen they know their success rates to whatever it is they are going to do is at the high 90

and that success rate probably went down by a lot because of you"

"How strong are they?"

"Strong is not the word I would use," Apollo shook his head, "They are just… different"