Chapter 362 - 361: Thor Odinson (1/2)

My Hermes System Romeru 27300K 2022-09-10

Chapter 362 - 361: Thor Odinson

Thor Odinson

A being so inti that even a simple breath of his could be seen as a threat Based on the stories that Van had heard about him, Thor was… a warrior-- a warrior that lived for battles

Whether it was true or not, it was said that Thor livedday after day, not even having time to sleep as he feasted and drank as a sort of rest

And seeing him now, those stories about him were probably true

3behind hihtly parted by his large, round, but rock-like stomach He may look like a ht, but no; unlike Dionysus, whose fat wobbled each time he moved, Thor's body was clad in muscles that seemed to want to burst out froiant, then he would have probably believed it Odin, besides his muscular exterior, just seee of the Aesir that Van held in his mind before

Each of Thor's steps caused the students that were still watching on the side to flinch Head so she wanted the students to return to their dorms where they would be safe But alas, it was already too late

The school was neither a tavern nor a brothel; so if Thor was here, then there could only be one other option for his presence-- a battle

"Welcome, master Thor"

"Hht with hi only the trace of its wake as a part of the fine grass that the college had been growing has now coround

"So, which ast these people do you say is worthy of my hammer?" Thor did not even bow or nod his head towards Herhout the field as if a hawk searching for its prey

His voice as well, perfectly ed, a bit husky, and reverberates throughout the field that even the students ere meters away could hear him talk

"This little man here is Master Van," Hermod did not seeestured towards Van

"A dwarf?" Thor grunted, "You tell me you were bested by a dwarf, Hermod? What kind of foolishness is this?"


"Please have so Evans," Athena quickly whispered into Van's ears as soon as she saw his eye twitching, "Let us wait for them to make the first rabbed his hahten their stance Thor, however, instead of using the hammer to attack, used it as some sort of cane to support himself as he crouched down

"How could these little sets of legs defeat the fastest man in all of the 9 Real at him from head to toe, "Please, tell me you jest"

"Do not be fooled by his exterior, Master Thor," Hermod shook his head as he stood beside Thor, "Little he ards him ariness His blood is most pure, he said"

"My father… is wary of this little man?"

"Yes,out a sht in the eyes, "And if I aht be a little afraid of the b--"


Van and Athena quickly ust of wind suddenly waved in front of the his haets, but instead Herh the hath of Thor's arh to leave a crevice on the earth

And considering that it only seemed to be a casual and nonchalant h for Van to see Thor's strength If he wasn't mistaken, then he should be at the saer, he would probably find out later

"M… Master Thor!?"

Here, but only by a width of a hair's breadth He truly was not expecting Thor to suddenly strike him out of nowhere

"You dare disrespect my father like that?" Thor then breathed out as he pointed his ha, master Thor," Hermod shook his head, "Would have I called you if I was not confident in my assessment? He is faster than th of the creature that your father is interested in You would be surprised to know that this little iants"

"Hh Here, Thor seemed to be completely disinterested by them Instead, he only let out a sht treround

"Let us battle, little dwarf If what Herive me the excitement of a true battle that I have not felt for centuries," he then said

"I don't think so," Van shook his head as he put down his stance, "If you could not even hit Hermod, then I am afraid it wouldn't be a battle at all"