Chapter 280 - 280: All You Need Is Love (1/2)
Chapter 280 - 280: All You Need Is Love
"I… want to experience it with you"
"Are you sure?"
There was a slight hesitation in her movements, but ultimately, Artemis nodded her head And as soon as she did so, Van quickly summoned roots to lift the two of theed, the roots shaped into a sphere, co the two of the with them, as the two soon undressed to their natural state One who had lived a very short life, but broken in ine And the other, who had already lived a thousand years, and yet led in a bond that exceeded time and even the universe itself as their filtered and hout their sphere of love
And a kilometer away from that sphere of love, was anotherat the sphere with her eyes as sharp as it could be
And with a light breath releasing from her mouth, she let out a smile and nodded her head,
"The Olyet this party started!"
"We're going hoh, too much, too much"
"Perhaps to?"
Dionysus raised 4 goblets into the air as he roared for the party's continuance, but alas, the only one that raised her glass was Nisha The other people were either collapsed on the ground or have had enough alcohol to fill the the tavern
Dionysus could only watch as his guests left one by one, no longer even looking at the wine he was offering Maybe because he had lost his God Soul, the charet from his parties have died down, if so… then why else does he exist?
"Don't mind them, let us drink!"
But the slass and called for hiht as he danced his way towards Nisha
Unlike the rest of the Olyth He was born for the purpose of igniting and sti theuseless ever since they got out fro as there was one person that was having fun, that would
"Has anyone seen Master Van?"
"Latanya! Where have you been!? You areout on the party, co then resounded throughout the whole tavern as Latanya entered the tavern, "Nisha, have you seen Master Van?"
"I still have no idea what you're saying, girl," Nisha could not help but let out a sigh, "Just what exactly is happening to you? You knohat, this is also your fault If you would have been alright, then I could have passed the role of President to you But you also just had to go crazy and leave everything toVanny"
"Who cares where that guy is, tell her to drink!"
"Come join us, Latanya," Dionysus squinted his eyes as he stared at Latanya He was already informed by the others that Latanya was the eain a humanoid body? Even Athena could not explain the phenohtest Olympian she knew
"No, I need to see Master Van"
"He'll turn up," Dionysus suht in front of Latanya, with its end shaped into a goblet ine already in itsher, she's probably drunk out of herVanny a hard tioblet and the outside for a few seconds, before grabbing the goblet and proceeding to go to Dionysus and Nisha's table
"What kind of language are the two of you saying? I heard Van speaking that once with that freaky tall guy"
"Freaky tall guy?"
"Slightly dark skin, freakishly tall, a bit handsome, extremely skinny… Hercules?"
"Hercules was skinny before he died?" Dionysus al of which, where is he buried?"
"At the northwest of the city, it's where we buried all the dead when… Van freed all of us"
"I see, to Hercules, then," Dionysus raised his goblet before gulping it in whole He then placed his attention back to Latanya, as surprisingly already at her 4th goblet
"Do you know anything about Olyain poured wine in Latanya's goblet, "Do you have memories from when you were just… a staff?"
"I do"
"When I woke up, there were these weird i out what they are since they are vague and filled with seams, but I am certain they are ain chugged her wine, "It feels weird, like allI have ever done in this world had beco, freeing the people of the Pit, they've become just a dot in my life, completely overshadowed by my memories of Olympus"
"Then do you knoe are?"
"No, I only know of the names of those ield me Asclepius, Apollo, Hermes, and now Master Van"
"That is… weird"
"I told you the ue, but they are there"
"" Nisha was starting to fall asleep as she watched as the two spoke in a language she didn't understand She tried to fight it, but alas, she easily gave in, hoping that to the leader of this ser be hers
"I re in the hands of a , I could ree his son, and then I re me in the Pit, eventually for Master Van to find"
"Sounds rough," Dionysus could not help but let out a sigh, "Wait… did you say Her Vanny?"