Chapter 216 - 216: Welcome To The Rest Of The World (1/2)

My Hermes System Romeru 31440K 2022-09-10

Chapter 216 - 216: Welcome To The Rest Of The World

"I was 17 years old when I discovered the unknoorld that hid itself from me… and at the same time, the world came to know me as well" - Evans, the Year 1316 APC

More than a thousand years ago, Portals opened up all over the world

It took the whole world by surprise, but then, the Syste the depths of the Portals and successfully closing any that appeared Clearing thetheir lives so that the world will once again become safe

The people of the normal population considered them to be heroes

But even then, perhaps they caone, al them out entirely, as well as their civilization

Africa America China Philippines japan United France North Korea India Egypt Australia

These were the only countries that survived the calamity, rants, rogue civilizations roam about Even after a thousand years, even with the help of the System Holders who cleared out Portals, non as Explorers-- the humans had still not fully reclaimed their lands

But still, the Explorers risk their lives to this day Their heroishout history and the present

They were heroes, but some of them are treated as Gods

And one such individual was now looking towards the horizon as she stood tall on the edge of the deck of a large shi+p; her eyes as if looking at a long-lost paradise she once left

Charlotte Gates-- one of the only few Platinuest Enhancer-type Systeends are known almost by everyone How she cleared a whole Portal with just her hands stretched inside it, how she destroyed a whole guild by herself because they were annoying her son, how she defeated a Gold-class monster with one hand, how she destroyed a whole mountain with just her fist…

And how she saved the whole country of Africa when their very own Platinum Explorer died from the threat of a Black-class monster The people of Africa treated Charlotte as a deity-- The White Imvubu, they called her

And then there was Van

A youngahead towards the land that finally welco the first night, as the sea see to pop out at any time

But after 2 days of that, Van just spentthat had happened to him these past few ot thrown into a prison Portal, became the leader of the people of that Portal, met a God that proclaimed himself to be his half-brother, reunited with his friends…

But probably the eline If there was anyone in this world that kneho he really is and was, it would be his biologicalfor Van to discover the truth himself

And so now, they were only a kilo into a new land Van was already almost an outcast in his own country, and now he enters a country where he will be a stranger

"Their port seeer"

Now that their shi+p was preparing to dock, Van could not help but notice the vast difference of Africa's port compared to the one they have in A yet, boy," Charlotte let out a light chuckle as soon as she heard Van's words, "That is just one of the perks of not having the Circlewith your country The influence of the Circle is al how the world works"

"Is it… really that different?"

"Just see for yourself"


"Queen Charlotte! Queen Charlotte!"

"Look here!"

"There she is!"

Before Van could finish his words, his voice was quickly drowned by screa from the people that suddenly rushed towards the docks, as well as the horn of the shi+p, signalling that they could finally disembark from the shi+p

"Where did all of these people suddenly come fro--" Van turned his head towards Charlotte But as soon as he saw her expression, he could not help but shut his entle She aving her hand towards the people with such elegance; almost as if she was a different person

"I am back, everyone"

Charlotte sloalked down the stairs, still waving her hand to the people Surprisingly enough, even though the people were in a frenzy, none of the their heads as Charlotte passed by thean to huhtly bowed her head Seeing as everyone was doing it, Van felt that he had to do it too They stayed like this for a few seconds before the song faded away

"The Ballad of the White Imvubu" Charlotte then whispered to Van

"White Imvubu?"

"Yes It's what they call me here," Charlotte said, her tone filled with pride, "It means the Great White Lion"