Chapter 95 - 95: The Storm (1/2)

My Hermes System Romeru 28090K 2022-09-10

Chapter 95 - 95: The Storm

"Hoo You think the others would be okay?"

"They will be fine It's no ti about others"

Van and his party were currently walking deeper into the woods They have travelled quite a bit of distance froh and the lush but spacious forest

But although they were surrounded by trees, the scenery was eerily quiet And even Van could only hear whispers and etation, there doesn't see I thought ere going into action as soon as we got inside the forest There see, but why haven't we encountered a single one!?"

Hearing the impatient tone in Harvey's voice, Beatrice could not help but roll her eyes "It's not all about fightingus Explorers"

"Oho, is that so?"


But although Beatrice was slightly annoyed with Harvey's endless co for more than 30 le harpy, flying or otherwise

They heard shouts fro, so it would seem that they have encountered their fair share of battles, but now, it was co of the branches entered her ears, only the breaths of the earth welcomed them in the forest


And the peace was broken by Harvey once again

"Shh Are you trying to attack monsters?" Beatrice quickly covered Harvey's h Beatrice's fingers

"I feel like you're underesti our situation too much"

"It's only a Rank F Portal", Harvey waved his hand as he tried to recover his breath, "Even Mr Jacobs' said that even neakened System Holders could clear it, that means with the four of us, this Portal is easy-peasy"

Hearing the confidence in Harvey's tone, Beatrice once again let out a sigh Seeing as Harvey could take on Edward's advance head-on, then the harpies of a White Portal would definitely not even be a challenge to hioal here is not to kill monsters in the first place It's to let us experience what it's like being an Explorer If we have to wait for a few hours, then that just ht, Miss Geain voiced out his boredo away the branches that blocked their path

Gemma, on the other hand, could only nod her head She was currently thinking if she was even needed here in the first place Van is considered to be the Number 1 freshman Beatrice was also well-known and was actually also a choice for the Student Council

Harvey… well, he is a Lauder He's probably strong as well These three alone could probably clear this Portal on their own

Buthappens to her during the exercise? She would surely be the one to be blarandmother blames her? She's done… she's so done Charlotte Gates would probably squash her into a paste, and then use that paste to write on her grave But then there wouldn't be a grave since she wouldn't really have a body left to bur--


Her thoughts were then disrupted by the sound of souard", she quickly said as she slowly made her way behind Victoria

Beatrice quickly suust of wind in front of her, "Wait for it to--"

"I got this!"

Before Beatrice could finish her words, Harvey suddenly rushed forward towards the rustling bush

"Harvey, don't be reckless!"

And as Harvey was halfway to the bush, a shriek echoed and a harpy leaped out towards hi to decapitate his head But alas, the difference in strength was too much

Harvey casually pushed away the harpy's feet and caught it by the neck, gripping it tight The harpy struggled, its tiny hand that protruded froet Harvey's hand away


Harvey stared the harpy straight in the eye, looking at hi!? Kill it!"

"T… this?" Harvey could not help but gulp as he let out a stutter, "Do… do we need to?" Harvey felt his breaths beco at the harpy's eyes The harpy's shrieks enter into his ears as cries ofHe knows he could crush its soft neck But still, its neck felt like the strongest ers unable to press theth he puts in it


Harvey then flinched as he felt a breeze, he then felt so onto his face The harpy in front of hi on his hand

"T…" Harvey could not help but slightly back away as his hand let go of the harpy Beatrice suht towards the harpy's neck

Looking at the harpy's now mutilated face, Harvey ran to the nearest tree and kneeled, the sound of hih the forest
