Chapter 57 - 57: Forgiveness (1/2)

My Hermes System Romeru 20470K 2022-09-10

Chapter 57 - 57: Forgiveness


Van wanted to tell his story about the rat and the ots, but it would seeer in the mood for stories It was rare for him to tell his life before the Academy, so he wanted to share some of his memories with his friends, but sadly, they didn't seem to want to hear it

"What about the story when I had to drink sea--"

"Okay", Beatrice clapped her hands as she stood up, "We still need to wash the dishes", she then said as she grabbed some of the plates from the table

"I can do that onplates

"No, please let me help", Beatrice shook her head as she quickly walked to the sink, not even waiting for Andrea

Seeing Beatrice leaving, Harvey could not help but laugh "It would see a couple of times, "They took off before you could even start it!"

Beatrice could only sigh as Harvey's laughter reached the so suddenly", she said as she continued to wash the plates

"Nonsense", Andrea shook her head, "I have plenty of space in my room I will set it up and sleep on the floor"

"What?", Beatrice raised her eyebrows, "No, if anyone is going to sleep on the floor it should be me We can just sleep beside each other?"

"Are you sure?", Andrea chuckled, "I swing the other way"

"That…", Beatrice was confused at first as to what Andrea meant, but after a few seconds, her eyes widened in shock as she realized what she meant "Are you sure you can tell me that?"

"Well, A friend of Evans is a friend ofrelationshi+ps with the saovernment due to the dramatic decrease in population One could face jail ti with the saht?"

"O… Of course", although Beatrice's face was still a bit flushed, she still nodded resolutely "B… but about the bed, please let me be the one sleep on the floor"

"Let's just sleep on the bed", Andrea said, "You don't have to worry, you're too young for my tastes", she then chuckled loudly

"And I aht now", she then winked

"I… I see", Beatrice also chuckled aardly

"What about you?"


"Which one of the two do you like?", Andrea said as she slightly tilted her head, gesturing towards Van and Harvey

"N… no one!", Beatrice's face was once again flushed red as she stuttered "W… we're all friends!"

"Oh?", Andrea chuckled teasingly "Evans is a cute boy, are you not interested in him?"

"N… no!", Beatrice shook her head vehemently, but after a few seconds, she abruptly stopped as she looked at the neashed plate in front of her, reflecting her flushed face, "But… I do admire him", she said

"He is someone I ained weight

"I see…", Andrea let out a tiny sigh, "Just don't let yourself be in the position of choosing between your friends or your goal", she said as she poked Beatrice's nose, placing a foam of soap on it