Vololume 17 Chapter 3 Part 1 (1/2)

The New Gate Kazanai 81500K 2022-09-10


Vololume 17 Chapter 3 Part 1

“Explain in itated soldier in his usual tone

He took a solid, unfazed coain so’s calain

“Yes sir! The report arrived just now: the scouts stationed in the 1st fort witnessed several large h speed Afterward, the rest of thetheir lead Lastly, the scouts could not read the naroup first”

The scouts stationed in the 1st fort were experts of concealing their presence and analyzing their targets Most of theher than the average person

If they couldn’t analyze their levels, the h levels or skills that hid their infore monsters were there, exactly?”

“The report mentioned that three were spotted at the moment They headed respectively northeast, east, and southeast of the starting point Each of the monsters of their same type”

The scouts confir northeast were of the shapeshi+fter type, the ones heading east the ani southeast the insect type

The anier-like monster with two heads

Its body was approxi, mostly covered in black fur, with red patches here and there

A pair of yellow horns grew from both of its heads It was also reported that there were sparkles of so from its uessed it was Heltoros What sparkled in its

Heltoros could spew lightning froht

It was highly skilled at co feline and canine monsters: it was the kind of monster powerful on its own, but much more fearsoh ed to run away from it, it could track it via sa a pack, it was better to regard it as being 100 levels higher

The insect-type boss monster had a lizard-like head, compound eyes, a centipede-like body with six pairs of thin dorsal wings It also had long spider-like legs

shi+n was sure that it was a Selcikeus Its characteristics were too unique: as long as it was a ame, there was nocapabilities were limited and it could only fly very slowly, so it norround

Its e of enee attacks

Its lizard-like head could split in four to release a very powerful searing hot beah that Selcikeus itself was bloay fros to anchor itself to the ground

Its level ranged from 800 to 850 As far as shi+n knew, it did not have the ability to coht have acquired new abilities

Finally, the shapeshi+fter monster was one the scouts had the most trouble with

Slimes and other shapeshi+fter monsters were very difficult to identify froested by the nae their shape, such characteristics could not be relied on

What was known at present was that its body was blue and purple and had three pairs of thin stick-like li from its oval body

It used such insect-like features to move Most spherical shapeshi+fter round, but this one was different

The soldiers’ report confir the pack moved in such a way, however

Heltoros, which was er its pack, had thus found its ideal conditions

Selcikeus’s long-range beaerous if it sent other monsters ahead

The shapeshi+fter monsters’ abilities would be unknown until the battle started

Considering their nuh to wipe a se country could not fend the to be a pain to deal with”

“A pain? shi+n, these are calamities for the normal people here By the current standards, they’re basically screwed”

Milt sighed helplessly at shi+n’s coaed at the s were very different in this world

Now that the 『World Rift Wall』 project was nearing completion, however, there ays to deal with the issue

“I know that But there are still things we can do Because we have a bunch of “abnormal” people on our side, ot self-awareness If they weren’t scattered you could wipe them all out by yourself, after all”

“I’ htly bothered by Milt’s response He wasn’t going to say that he was a perfectly normal person, but it felt a bit uncomfortable to hear others say it

“There are way too many monsters for me to wipe out co like that?”

shi+n told Milt that what she said was beyond ridiculous, but both Tiera from behind him and Yuzuha on his shoulder nodded in approval

“Well, thinking about the battles until now, that sees I honestly expected that after building the wall you’d say so like ‘I’m still worried after all, so let’s defeat the Once the wall is complete and the monsters can’t advance, the tih, I can’t…deny that possibility…”

shi+n scowled a bit at Tiera at first but soon realized that he was really prone to say so like that

Even if the wall prevented thesuch a large horde of e if they decided to exterminate all the ht so because it was not beyond their capabilities

“(Kuu! Time for shi+n to shohat shi+n is ree too She deftly used her tails to support her body upright and punched the air with her paws, as if shadowboxing

“You people are sure taking it easy The 1st and 2nd fort soldiers are going to be attacked by the monsters, remember?”

Reiner interjected in the conversation with a er

Most of the troops stationed in the forts were foot soldiers Even with the support of arts and skills, they definitely could not outrun high-level monsters

The physical abilities of e person, a high-level y was practically endless

The th and speed There was a high chance that the 1st and 2nd fort troops would be attacked before they could cross the wall line

“I’ around”

shi+n understood that the at Milt and Tiera was very different from the other officers

“Yes, shi+n could really pull it off”

“Right, shi+n definitely could”

“(Kuu, shi+n will do his best!)”

“That’s not a proper reason…look, everyone’s glaring”

shi+n urged thee much

“Hahaha! It appears that even monsters unknown to us aren’t much of a threat to Sir shi+n We couldn’t hope for a hter erupted in the conference roo saw the situation differently from the other officers

“Do you have any plans other than the wall project? Everyone is anxious, as you can see Can you tell us about the and took a serious expression The retreating troops would soon be in danger: they couldn’t keep laughing forever

“The nu compared to monsters So I propose to use these to transport the troops quickly to a safe location”

shi+n took out a crystal enchanted with teleportation ic He was involved in the current situation as Schnee’s ally, and it would not be strange for her to use such items, since she lived since before the Dusk of Majesty; shi+n thus decided to use them without hesitation

“A crystal to transport the troops…? Could that be…”

The officers see how the crystal could ht for a bit after seeing the crystal, then his eyes opened wide

“We can bring the troops close to the 9th fort in an instant with this It’s not possible to transport the whole army at once, of course, but based on their nu theo there ourselves and start transporting the troops I heard that there is a wyvern in this fort, to be used when es do not work, so if we borroe should be able to reach the forts before the ive us e the monsters after the wall has been built”

“…a crystal enchanted with teleportation ic, I see It surely would dispel all concerns of the troops being chased by theat the crystal in shi+n’s hands

“I thought I kne skilled you were, Sir shi+n, but I cannot help being surprised nonetheless Disposable teleport crystal shards can soeons, but not crystals capable of transporting groups of people I know that it was the nor nowadays”

“Where in the world did Lady Schnee find such a person…?”

Raig’s vice officer seeh about that If we have our allies retreat without forcing them to suffer casualties, there will be no better plan The 1st and 2nd fort troops will be sent to guard the soldiers in charge of setting the wall creation ite will happen, but ency, at least as a defense”

“I agree We cannot rule out the possibility of a situation we could not handle on our own”

Numbers equal power Even if shi+n and his party , they could not be everywhere at the same time All the situations they had faced until now could so their way in specific locations, but they had to be ready for a situation where that method would not work

“Can you move immediately?”

“Yes There are still many unknown factors, so we should act as soon as possible”

The unconfirmed Wolfreet-like monster was another issue shi+n wanted to deal with, but the her priority

“Our side shall proceed with building the wall, then Ite and escort troops have already been dispatched to forts 3 to 7 Let us depart too”

Activating the 『End Wall』 required a certain amount of le item that activated all of the others in a chain reaction

There were so many items used in the 『World Rift Wall』 project precisely to prevent hu the iteoing to act on their own, by borrowing a wyvern like shi+n’s group and visit the various ite encies, they would contact shi+n and deal with it

shi+baid and Sety were going to continue on their way to regroup with shi+n, defeating any roup where the『End Wall』ite operations had proceeded at a feverish pace while shi+n was doing his experi could proceed more smoothly thanks to items that allowed the workers not to be spotted by monsters, provided by shi+n

The workers would continue setting up the items as much as they could until the monsters arrived; if they couldn’t make it in time they would activate the ite to fill in the gaps

Depending on the wall’s structure, it , the imperial army, and Reiner’s church forces were ready to be deployed too

A report frohts had departed already

“First, ill head to the 1st and 2nd fort to assist the withdrawal of the troops there We will decide the teleport location once we arrive: please inform any deployed troops about the teleportation plan first It wouldn’t be a problem even if they are deployed, but if they know about the plan in advance we can avoid needless confusion Would it be acceptable to inform the soldiers here later?”

“Not a proble nodded and shi+n juh temperaments, but this one was trained well, so it didn’t run wild even if it was its firstwith shi+n It treht be the reason

shi+n htly pulled on the reins

The wyvern understood what thatAfter a short run, it spread its robust wings and soared in the sky

It was probably supported by skills or s just a few tih up in the clouds

“Since it’s used for eency communication, I expected this wyvern to be very fast, but it’s nothing special… shi+n’s back, but after the wyvern stopped soaring and started flying in a more stable o of his hands, though There was a lot of shaking while the wyvern flapped its wings, so she ly enough that Tiera could have fallen off if she didn’t hold shi+n’s hands, as she wasn’t handling the reins

“Seeh Until now you’ve flown only on the Ancient Dragons and Tzaobath, so I guess this guy seems slow in coether, so it was easy for shi+n to recall

The Ancient Dragons and Tzaobath both had her levels than the wyvern Even if it was trained to fly at high speed, it couldn’t compete with theht it said “Don’t compare me with beasts like those, please…”

It wasn’t the kind of gap that could be filled via training, so shi+n softly caressed the wyvern’s neck to console it