Volume 16 - Chapter 3 Part 1 (1/2)
Teeks had passed since shi+n’s party arrived in Romenun, when a sudden event occurred
shi+n was engaging in his new daily activity of practicing arts, when a shrill cry reached his ears
“Hey, shi+n, that was…”
“Yeah, looks like we have an uninvited guest”
The cry ca for help
shi+n expanded his detection range and found 6 presences around Bao Bao away, all fro it while preventing it froet
shi+n had access to Rohout the guild house Schnee, Tiera, Yuzuha, and Fil with him, took out their weapons immediately
A few minutes later, shi+baid and the others arrived too Hydro and Oxygen were equipped not with the gear they invented, but what they received frooal Fro Baomultan, but it’s not clear Don’t attack theo already!”
Tiera’s words reflected everyone else’s feelings as they looked at shi+n Tiera was scared of Bao their first encounter, but now it spontaneously approached her
“Don’t go too close If they are fighting, Baoht attack us too”
shi+n said to Tiera as they headed towards the area The other members had seen Baomultan attack other players, so they would probably be wary
“Will it attack us too?”
“I can’t say anything yet, unfortunately I do hope it doesn’t”
shi+n also thought he had become friends with Baomultan, so it would hurt eardless of the attackers’ objective, shi+n thought they deserved at least one good punch
“Looks like they’re really fighting”
“I was sure that no normal people would ever come all the way here, but it looks like these people are pretty strong”
Once they crossed the forest-like clusters of plants, the view becaht】 already looked at Baos
They saw three people in full body ararb
The arht to attract its attention while the two in robes launched fire and lighting spells The cleric-likeelse
Baoic spells and cried, probably because it was in a weakened state It did not move much, if at all Its tail and claw attacks struck the armored warriors However, they protected themselves with their shi+elds, so they were not bloay and siinal formation If the battle continued like that, there was a possibility that Baomultan would be killed by the unusual about the attackers They were all affected by poison and paralysis and continued healing themselves, but the recovery speed was clearly too slow
“Stop the fight!!”
shi+n, Filma, and shi+baid leaped in the air and landed in front of the ar the attention of the robed spellcasters and the cleric
shi+n, Filma, and shi+baid had their defenseless backs turned towards Baomultan, but they were prepared for the possibility that it attacked them
“W-what are you people!?”
One of the armored warriors drew his sword and shouted Only his eyes were visible through the armor and his voice was muffled, but it was clear that he was a man
“We have our own reasons Why are you people attacking Balt…Baomultan, anyway? This monster doesn’t harm people”
shi+n pretended he wasn’t about to say “Baltan” and questioned the ht that the poison covering the area was generated by Baomultan, shi+n planned to explain the situation
“People in this land of death?”
“What a powerful presence…we cannot win”
The other two armored warriors seemed to be shaken One of theth of shi+n’s party, as he abandoned the fighting stance and raised his hands
The spellcasters and the cleric looked left and right, trying to assess the situation
“We have no intention to fight We wish to speak with you”
“…are you…human?”
The armored warrior who shouted first asked this question to shi+n
They were acting as if it was nothing, but the area they were in was a place filled with deadly poison, where nor in pain after just breathing the air a little
Someone who didn’t know shi+n and the others couldn’t believe any hu would enter such an area without a protectivetheir face like that
It wasn’t strange for their humanity to be doubted
“We are We don’t need to hide ourus from the poison You have some decent equipment, can’t you see that we do too?”
shi+n noticed that they earing rade equiprade equipment was treated as national treasures, they were all clad in equipment even superior to that They were definitely bizarre by this world’s standards
They were either related to players or were players theh to be assigned such equipment These were all plausible options
“Our equiph to understand Lower your weapons, everyone Resisting them would be pointless”
The man shi+n spoke with seemed to be the leader: other than the armored man who had already put down his weapon, everyone else lowered theirs
“Thank you for putting down your weapons I would like to start our talks immediately…but first, let us offer a safe place to do so You won’t last long with that equip as they talked
shi+n knew they couldn’t talk like that, so he took a card out of his item box and materialized it
What materialized in shi+n’s hand was a blue rhombus-shaped pendant He then threw it in a direction away frolowed brightly, revealing a log house after the light dissipated
“The poison won’t affect us there Followhouse first, followed by Schnee and shi+baid He asked Filma and Sety to watch over Baomultan via Mind Chat
The attackers’ leader hesitated a little, then shook his head and entered the log house The otherattention to Baomultan, Schnee, and the others
“We’ll be safe here The poison’s effects are gone, right?”
“I can’t believe it…the poison is really gone”
The first one to respond to shi+n’s words was the cleric The equip but the eyes, but the voice revealed that she was a woman
Once she removed her equipment, since her body did not show any particular features, shi+n thought that she was probably a Human
“You’re the healer, don’t re suspicious now? If this boy planned to get rid of us, he wouldn’t have led us in here, one skill and ere gone Aht?”
The cleric spoke so frankly that even her comrades were at a loss for words In ter was like that was indeed possible for shi+n
“We truly wish to talk with you, can I assume that you believe us?”
“It would be pointless to do this if you were lying, I suppose We’d appreciate it if you listened to our circumstances too”
“It would be a problem if you didn’t talk, actually”
shi+n answered the cleric with a wry laugh Thanks to their exchange, the other members removed their equipment too
“Let’s start from introductions I’nil shi+baid Together with the people outside, we’re all adventurers”
Sety wasn’t registered with the guild yet, but, since it would be troublesome to explain, shi+n said they were all adventurers Incidentally, Yuki was a fake name used by Schnee
“So we’re in the same business Let us introduce ourselves too, then I a armor like this now, but my main job is blacksmith”
Garon re his long beard
He was about as tall as Tiera, with thick arms and broad shoulders, so he looked wider than he was tall He was equipping a large round shi+eld and a mace
“My name’s Mavlov I’m a bear Beast, as you can see”
Mavlov also re himself He wasn’t as tall as shi+baid, but he was easily over 2 mel tall He was the one who suspected the hu a tower shi+eld over 1 arj, wolf beast”
The final arhtly nervous tone, was naarj He held kite shi+elds on both hands
Like Mavlov, he was a Beast type that looked like the base anih not asnext to Garon, they made him look like he was a child compared to them
“My name is Risha, I’utsywould scare her easily
“Asha, Human”
“Mesha, Human”
The last ones to introduce theirls, apparently twins They were a bit taller than Sety and holding staffs taller than theear into cards, which they did after re with Baoerous fight, is there?”
“We wouldn’t be doing this if we could avoid it either At this point I care little about money or honor”
In other words, they had a reason to engage in such recklessness
“(Schnee, I can’t tell for sure, aside from the twins, aren’t they all pretty old?)”
shi+n asked Schnee a question via Mind Chat
The Human Risha’s white hair and wrinkles clearly showed that she was of advanced age
Mavlov and Agarj retained an animal-like face and Dwarves like Garon looked old no e
Their tone, gestures, and atmosphere, however, made shi+n wonder if they weren’t all pretty old
“(All the men are, yes I believe they arespecies, they are quite advanced in age)”
Schnee could apparently tell, but refrained to com to Schnee, even if in that world skills andspecies could not expect to live very long lives
“The teren’t supposed to come this ti at the girls
“The request we received is a very important one: the existence of a country depends on this If someone has to die, it would be best for someone old relics like us”
The eyes of the adults of the group focused on the girls
In case of eency, they probably planned for the two of them to escape safely
“Er…sorry but it doesn’t look like we can do anything about that Could you get to the point?”
Mavlov’s words seemed to upset the twins, so before the topic derailed further shi+n brought it back to the original one
“My apologies Let oal is Baomultan’s materials: we need them to craft equipment in order to defeat a certain monster That’s the request we took”
“And that certain monster is?”
A name flashed in shi+n’s in If you know Baomultan, you’ve probably heard about it as well, yes?”
shi+n’s prediction turned out to be true A Durgin other than the one sunk into the lake was apparently up to so
“Well, more or less Just to be sure, the exterin was spotted, right?”
“If that was the case, ouldn’t have accepted it…”
Garon added that in Durgin’s case, extermination requests would not be posted if it was only spotted and caused no da our country as we speak That’s why the exterin is threatening your country? Youto attack it?”
As far as shi+n knew, Durgin only attacked players if they entered within a certain radius
shi+n initially thought that someone had probably provoked it
“Exactly At first it was just flying over the country, but 2 weeks ago it descended, spreading poison in the surroundings There aren’t any casualties yet, but a growing number of people have been rendered unable to move”
“Is there a possibility that soin?”
“I cannot say there isn’t In that case, however, it would come to attack directly, wouldn’t it?”
Apparently, Durgin had been flying back and forth over the country for one month
As Garon said, if it wanted to retaliate after being attacked, it wouldn’t do so else?”
“Nothing that could prove useful We only came to find Baomultan because we happened to find records about it”
“Is it a well-known fact that Baomultan is here?”
“I don’t knoell-known it is, but most people know about it in our country It’s a popular tale Deep within the on that feeds on poison If you don’t behave I’on’s den…parents commonly say this to children to keep them quiet”
It was a variation of the coet you!” spiel parents would use with unruly kids
It was used as a fairytale, but the mists of death really existed and the country’s top brass, as well as the guild’s executives knew about the dragon’s existence Thus Garon’s party was sent to retrieve its parts
“Since fighting Durgin without poison resistant equipment would be difficult, I suppose?”
“Even if we try fighting it, the ”
In the garadually decrease HP, but in reality it wouldn’t be so si, but powerful poison like the one Durgin used would prevent anyone affected froin scattered the h Poison】
For shi+n it was a rather co buffed by so time to heal
Anyone affected needed to be healed too, so, even if they focused on defense and healing, they could barely keep alive, said Garon
“How high is Durgin’s level? I’m sure it usually varies a lot”
“672 If it wasn’t for the poison, I’ our lives…”
The level was not too high
Garon’s party was equipped with Mythology-grade equipood control of their weapons and it didn’t look like they were suffering fro stats If all of them were like that, they were quite powerful by this world’s standards Even in the gay they could surely win The proble the poison
“The level is the sain I know But it sounds like its poison was boosted by soated to attack your country?”
“Ours is a sh? I can’t think of anything that could be earned by attacking us”
The country, Passner, was a sdom located to the north of Baomultan’s area When many new countries were founded after the Dusk of Majesty, Passner was built in a relatively dangerous area to reduce the appeal of outside forces co to take it over
Passner was not easily accessible and did not have any particularly interesting specialties It was so small that there was little distance between the royal family, the nobles, and the co close to Baomultan’s area, there were very feerful s, so it was perfect to spend one’s old years, or so Garon explained
“We were relatively faeezers We’re supposed to be Chosen Ones, but we can’t h: we have to do soin What do you plan to do with us?”
Garon’s whole body projected intimidation