Volume 8 - Chapter 4 – Part 5 (1/2)

The New Gate Kazanai 48620K 2022-09-10

While shi+n was talking with Munechika after the battle, Yuzuha was running over the plains, at the largest size she could currently take

She was already considerably far froh she still wasn’t in her perfect forh physical abilities were serving her well enough


Yuzuha was looking towards a forest located fro to Fuji

The nasty presence she had felt while traveling with shi+n was getting closer and closer

She had already perceived the being behind this presence It too should have noticed Yuzuha’s approach

The owner of the presence was deep in the forest and notfor Yuzuha


Thinking that it was even better if it didn’t run away, Yuzuha proceeded into the forest, mindful of any traps

After a few minutes, she arrived in an open area without any trees

It was an area roughly 50 rew

In that deserted place, there was one shadow other than Yuzuha’s Long white hair reaching to the ground, gently flowing in the wind A wo there, alone

Perfectly proportioned features that 10 people out of 10 would surely describe as beautiful, animal ears of the sa her ki whiteness of her thighs so

On her back, fro left and right

The woman’s name was Tarowling, her fur standing because of the aura co from Tamamo, whose appearance made her look like a person from the Fox Tribe

Yuzuha knew that Tamamo wasn’t actually a person from the Fox Tribe No member of that species would have 6 tails

“Hehe, and I was here wondering as co…it was the Eleh”

In complete contrast with the hostility Yuzuha openly displayed, Tamath of a demon fox was displayed by the number of tails, Yuzuha was suspicious of the fact that the 6-tailed Ta the demon foxes on Fuji, there were ones with 7 tails as well

Nor officers

“Kuu, you give, bad aura”

Yuzuha spoke while taking human form

“Bad aura, hmm Could it maybe be…this!?”

A black ball of fire shot out of Taed it instinctively and looked at where the ball of fire landed She saw the ground dyed in purple where the black fla different froh her intuition

“You!! Inside, different! This person, container!”

“So YoU CAn UndERstaND ThAT mUCh YeS, thIS BODy iS VErY vERy GoOD!”

Ta The sounds it emitted, which could barely be understood as words, were human speech no more

Yuzuha’s eyes saw the pitch black silhouette of another deure was blurred here and there, but it was obviously a deether with Juugo, in Kujou territory, she had not perceived this presence

Further whoDemon Fox, Tamamo The corrupted form of an Element Tail, who possesses other people”

“Kah KAh! THaT Is ME iNDEed We ENItoR” oF aLL uSs eLEMeNt tAiLs!”

Knowledge of each other came out of their mouths But only a handful in this world could coame era, Tamamo was just an event boss and the Element Tails were hidden bosses that only a handful of advanced players knew of

There was a clear gap in their strength, but the players did not know that there was a clear difference in the strengths of these individuals

Even if the players did not know, the difference in strength was certainly there Consequently, Yuzuha and Tamamo were personally aware it was so

“Kuu! Why you do these things!”

“ThAt’S a cURiOUs tHInG To aSk I cAMe tO THis wORLd To bRinG fOrTH dISAsTEr! To kIlL aNd To dEsTRoY iS My rEAsOn fOr eXIStINg! aFTeR tHEsE lONg yEArS, YOu hAve fORGoTTen eVeN tHAt?!”

The black shadow tre Ta terror to the people To be defeated by players, to be reborn, to do so again

That endless cycle is what let Ta co

However, now that the world had beco more than a curse implanted in the cycle of life

“Kuu, that is not necessary now”

“I cARe nOTHinG aBOut tHat I SHAalL fULFiLl mY eXISTenCe THIs bOdY haS aLREaDy lOst aLl seNSe oF seLf IT wAs bETRraYEd, It hATed, It oFfeReD itSeLF To Me ITS bEAUty liES oNly in itS aPPEAraNCe nOw”


Yuzuha cried withat Ta Tamamo said that it did not have a sense of self anyrets

Yuzuha thought that a great many people would have been char down her cheeks

“If you wish to stop enitor of the Element Tails, surely you can!!”

The black demon fox returned inside the wo as always, and became covered in black flaative feelings fed Tamamo and increased its power


As if in response to Tarunt, the tails attacked Yuzuha

The 6 tails, spreading in a fan-like motion, moved as if they had individual will and surrounded Yuzuha, as to cut off any possible escape route


Yuzuha responded by casting a ic spell with quick activation She then enveloped her own tails in differentTamamo’s tails, half of which had turned into black flames

The ic and divine-type ht”


Tamamo’s tails repeatedly went on the offensive, while Yuzuha only defended herself

Maybe because of the deher pressure, the attacks that Yuzuha couldn’t fully defend herself from ripped Yuzuha’s shrine maiden clothes

“You understand too, do you not?”

Tamamo’s tails increased after this question

Suddenly, 2 tails made completely of black flames had appeared They were attached to her waist, just like the others

“Juugo and Kai have died?”

Tamamo whispered with an expression mixed with envy and sadness

Their relationshi+p consisted in using each other, but it was not manipulation via Taiven theer

Yuzuha now faced even fiercer attacks: she countered 6 tails with her own and 1 with the flames she spewed from her mouth

However, she could not counter the last one and tried to avoid it with a jue Yuzuha’s body

“If you will do nothing, then die!!”

The 8 tails attacked again If they hit directly, they would cause considerable daave her activated

A transparent membrane appeared all around Yuzuha and stopped Tamamo’s attack

“A barrier…but I knoell, that it won’t last long!!”

Tamamo’s tails repeatedly struck the barrier Exclusively, as the tailson its surface

Yuzuha could not see the barrier’s resistance decreasing But the gradually increasing cracks showed that its limit was now close


The sound of the cracking barrier canceled Yuzuha’s cries

Just like snakes eyeing their prey, the black flaround where Yuzuha was