Chapter 235 - 125. The Tombs Guardian (1/2)

Chapter 235: 125 The Tomb’s Guardian -3 (Part One)

The very first Holy Eion of the ethy span of ti guarded by the ‘archangel’

I was planning to challenge that place oncewith Alice, Hans, and Nore doorway

The interior of the tehtly illuminated by hundreds and thousands of crystal spheres, and thein the centre

That existence was at least twenty s to fly…

It was also equipped with divinity-laden weapons…


The archangel was looking down at us fro to do it, sir?” Hans askedto do it?

Obviously I had no intentions of backing down

I’ve already made up my ht this tiht as well do it properly

Metatron leisurely floated in the air and observed me It probably didn’t perceive us as ‘invaders’ yet since we hadn’t crossed the doorway

I couldn’t be sure whether or not that thing had any ego, but…

I swear, Iood very soon

After su Aion”

I roused up my divinity

Ripples of aura s Alice, as standing next to me, had her eyes nearly pop out of their sockets This would be her second ti me use one of Amon’s relics, wasn’t it?


“I am Gaia’s inheritor”

Today should be her first ti the co with the waves of holy water spreading out from the tips of my feet, many bone pieces rose up froan envelopingbone armour enclosed me, and twelve bone hands spread open behind el”

Alice’s dazed ht a wry smile on my face Tina also displayed a similar reaction back then, didn’t she?

The holy water lake continued to spread out like tsunami waves and crossed the threshold of the doorway Even the passageways around us were co water’s surface, all sorts of undead began rising up

I raised my head and stared at Metatron

Not yet

The archangel hadn’t attacked us so far

Which was rather satisfying, really We’d fully utilise all the leeway it so generously granted us in this upcoet ready”

My voice went through the skull helm and became lower, heavier than how I usually sounded

Alice juirl kitted out in a lightweight Priestess robe and ether Her golden hair began dancing in the air as she offered a prayer

A hymn with a beautiful hout the surroundings

The resonance had begun

The ripples of divinity were starting to seep into es quickly occupied their spots near us While wielding their staves, they went down on their knees and bowed their heads, pressing their bony foreheads on their staves to offer their prayers alongside Alice

Golden rune letters rapidly engraved thes It was at that moel that didn’t move an inch up until now had finally shown so was off by now It sensed the aura of divinity, and also the power of the Aztal Rune now being activated along with the Saintess’s blessing

“Declaration of sanctuary”

When I said that, the glowing lights in the eye sockets of the skeleton es seemed to burn even fiercer than before They slaround rumbled and the holy water lake’s surface undulated The interior of this huge teolden coloured-rune letters

This location would turn intoinside this place aenerative capabilities

But still… Not yet

I gripped Arimoire

Next up, I used my [Divine Aura] on these A called the sacred artefacts

Finally, I suends, an existence of terror in on”

The golden-coloured runes reacted toThe ground split open and the holy water filling up the floor violently undulated