Chapter 103 - Battered Dog (1/2)

Chapter 103 - Battered Dog

assistant Long Jin opened the door When he saw that everybody was already present, he turned his head and ushered two people inside

It was a woman and a man in their early thirties

"They are Mr Zen and Ms Lou Both of the They were also the ones who took care of Chair introduced the Family

Mr Zen and Ms Lou both nodded their head and went forward to the front

Mr Zen placed the case on the table assistant Long gave the key to Ms Lou

Ms Lou entered the key to the keyhole and turned it


The edge of the case popped up and Mr Zen pushed it down to open it

When the case was opened, they saw a brown envelope sealed in a waterproof plastic

Mr Zen immediately pulled the envelope and peeled the plastic off

When they saw the Phoenix seal of their family crest stamped on the envelope, everybody knew that this Will was real and authentic

FengJiu took a glance at her relatives She saw the happiness in their eyes

She inwardly sreat surprise will be given to Feng Jun and the rest of the Branch Fa XuanTian's Will In accordance to the owner's final wish, all the family members except the minors are allowed to hear his final will

Ms Lou"

Mr Zen nodded to his companion

Ms Lou ripped the Phoenix seal on the envelope and opened it

She pulled a blue folder and read the contents

"I, Feng XuanTian of Feng International decided to make a Final Will after I found out that my days were nuiveness fro able to be with her in the upco Family's fortune, now is the time to pass the burden to other people

I hope everyone will respectMansion will be open to all Feng Family Members

The subsidiary businesses will be divided a Faiven to Second Branch

The private resort and spa will be given to the Third and Fourth Branch

The Fifth Branch will receive the shares for Hotel de Lux"

When Feng Jun heard the words written on the Will, he could not help but wrinkle his brows

Not hearing FengJiu's na the subsidiary businesses made him a little anxious

He stared at the faces of his sisters and brothers ere bri with happiness

He inwardly snorted

He was not satisfied with twoInternational It was rightfully theirs to begin with

Ms Lou continued reading the Will

"In the recent years, Feng International was able to stand on the top of the food chain in the business industry Thus, as the Chairman of the company, I wanted to pass ardless of blood connection

At theXuanTian, have a total of Sixty Five percent of the ive the fifteen percent of shares toJun heard that only fifteen percent was given to FengJiu, he could not help but feel elated

He felt like he was flying in the clouds

As, no one could compare to his contribution to the coJiu were the ones ere capable of Jiu already had her share, it iven to the faet the erly His eyes shone with happiness and he could not help but grin widely