Chapter 9 - WhiChapter One? (1/2)

Chapter 9 - WhiChapter One?

Feng Jiu blushed hard She suddenly realized that co mistake in her part She did not kno to respond and could only stare blankly at the saleslady

The saleslady felt like the lady customer was not well versed in this area and could only rely on those ere expert in this kind of thing She ie profit fro the iron while it was still hot [1], the saleslady irabbed a bunch of condons and brands

"Ma'am, if you don't knohich brand is the ht help you decide" Feng Jiu was still silent as if her brain already crashed and currently under repair,Jiu's silence as her 'go' signal, the saleslady went on and on, explaining the benefits of each varieties, pouring all her wisdo Jiu was not speaking because she was thinking thoroughly whether to buy condoms or not

'Should I or should I not?' She was starting to regret co here She looked around her and saw that there were so her nervous

'What if sonizes me? Worst, what if it's one of e be destroyed without a trial?!'

She anxiously stepped back and was preparing to go far, far away from this section when she heard the saleslady nancy'

Feng Jiu i backwards and looked at the condo would these condo how lustful MinFeng was, she suddenly felt like the condo 'No I should buy a lot to prevent any unwanted pregnancy It's better to be safe than sorry'

"GiveJiu decided to bite the bullet [2] and prepare for the worst

"Ah?" The saleslady went speechless, she looked at the condo Jiu's hands that were not less than thirty

"Yes! Yes! Here you go n, the saleslady i Jiu, but since her hands were already full, the s basket and placed all of it inside The saleslady ushered her towards the counter with care and left with a wide s about her recent sale, the saleslady felt like she alking in the air

The line was not long so it just took Feng Jiu a couple of minutes before she reached the counter When it was her turn, she placed all the boxes on the counter and pulled her wallet inside her bag to pay

Seeing the enor a small mountain, theJiu and then at the boxes of condo to confirm that the lady who dressed like Miss Minchin[3] was the one buying theJiu felt aard inside due to the cashi+er's intense stare She raised her eyebrow as if telling hi condoms??'

Asha the condoms as if he did not notice her irritated look He couldn't help but say on his e the book by it's cover [4] Who would have thought'

Looking at the sluggish et impatient She wanted to leave already She felt tired all of a sudden Just fewwas still under her control but ever since she met that shameless bastard, her control over her life suddenly slipped out of her hand

She couldn't even concentrate on her work She did shaht she would never do, and she started to act like a hts, Feng Jiu felt as if she was currently experiencing heavenly trial After paying the bill, she just walked and walked and walked without paying attention to where she was going She was already sitting inside the car when all of her senses andfull of condoht passed on hersex aJiu wanted to drown herself fro to pull all of it

'Why didn't I think of that before?? Urgh You idiot Feng Jiu!!' Feng Jiu bla a bunch of 'brainlessto use her e to worthless decisions and shaht be her ne brain dead is better than being brainless Urgh'


She arrived at hoo?'

She grabbed the eco-bag and went to her room When she arrived, she immediately closed the door and poured all the condo Jiu sighed and decided to store it on one of her cabinets It would be a waste to throw everything Earning round

Since she couldn't donate the condo, she would just store it away so nobody could see it She already decided that she should have a 'peace talk' with MinFeng later

FewJiu was done preparing their dinner "I' Jiu preparing the table While staring at her, an unexplainable feeling suddenly swelled inside his heart He wanted to continue being like this forever, the feeling of having so for you to return ho entered the kitchen and sat on the chair His eyes were sparkling brightly as if he was very happy

Feng Jiu could feel his happiness,the food while talking a bunch of nonsense things like an old couple After they were done, they went to the living roo each other but the fluffiness was in the air

Although Feng Jiu did not want to disturb this wonderful and peaceful , she really didn't have a choice but to speak up before all of her courage fades away

Sitting beside him, she turned her head away fro"



He turned his head and stared back at her

"Can we sort things out?"

MinFeng was puzzled His eyes were glued to Feng Jiu's face, waiting for her to continue "Sort out what? The ain with his stupid reply'

"MinFeng, I am serious!"

"So a to drop once again' Feng Jiu took a deep breath before opening herI think we should not cross each other's bed and just stay as platonic as possible It will save us fro You see, we are both strangers with each other and we basically don't have any connection except the fact that we shared the sa withJiu inwardly crossed her hands and prayed that this shamelessFeng Jiu's words, MinFeng froze His eyes dirabbed her and hugged her tight Feng Jiu placed her hands between their chests, trying to push him away

"Do you hate this?" His voice sounded sad as if he was deeply hurt

Feng Jiu stopped struggling 'Do I?No, I don't'