Chapter 219 - 217: Music Final Evaluation I (1/2)
Chapter 219 - 217: Music Final Evaluation I
"Serena, should we postpone our song number for next week? I feel so nervous that I think I'll voested It was the 25th of May, half pass noon, they just finished having lunch, and would have their final evaluation for their music class later
"To be honest,it later" Gizel seconded
"I understand how you two are feeling I am very nervous myself so if that is what you prefer, then it is fine with me However, just a heads up If we delay it to next week, then on't be able to gauge if the song will be well received I was thinking of singing it later so that if the response is positive, I can ask Charlton to help us with the harmony so that we can record it so the song released together withevent on the 17th of June" Serena inforirls let her words sink in, and when it did, their attitude suddenly made a 360
"WAIT I take that back Milly, we have to do this later There's no backing out now" Gizel proclaiht line there? Anyway, I'ood Let's do this" Milly responded
Serena wanted to laugh at how Gizel and Milly were acting They were like soldiers about to go to battle
Via sighed as she shook her head Really, these two "Anyway, Serena, what do you ?"
"Oh, I haven'tto work for Colu company For s and all of them will be recorded under Colus Meanwhile, for Charlton, he would have to work on assisting other people with producing their song So like that" Serena explained
"Eh? Why would you and Charlton do that? I et too pressured if you keep on writing new ones?" Gizel asked confused
"If I have half the talent of Serena and Charlton, I guess I will be doing the sa your own career like princess Grace I'ratulations!" Milly said
Via nodded her head, "I agree with Milly Although I do hope that you won't have to subject yourself to too s like you do is ever easy"
Serena s lucky to have these friends "Don't worry about e But thank you for your concern"
"Then, if you say so, we believe in you Anyhoould we be allowed to join you on that day? I mean for support You know that I'm your number one fan and these tell they can be number 2 and 3 respectively" Gizel said as she teased the other two
"Hey! How could you say you're number one and we're just 2 and 3?" Milly complained
Via just shook her head with the cousin's antics
Serena chuckled "Thank you all I'll see if I can get you three in for the event, although I have been informed by Edward that it's just the press ill be there on that day, my parents have already been invited to join so perhaps it's not that exclusive"
"I see Oh! I al here, I believe they will be arriving on Sunday after the year-end ball Sa raduation Maybe they can ether before we leave for Militeia?" Gizel inforht for a while then replied "That would be perfect I rite to my parents to tell them about it Perhaps we can host them when they arrive or at least set a schedule to have dinner before we leave for Militiea"
"Alright! That sounds like a good plan Anyway, it's almost 1pm, Gods, I think I'll hyperventilate" Gizel replied
"Me too Though we'll volunteer later, can we like, go for last?" Milly asked
"Sure You guys decide" Serena nodded as they started to stand up and pick their things to leave the room
"Charlie, help me, I can't breathe… I have never been so nervous all eratedly said as he fisted his chest
Charlton chuckled Kylo and hiether More precisely, Kylo wanted to sing a song to confess his feelings for Via "If you can't do it later, you can always sing it next week At least if you do that and get rejected, you won't have to see her the week after"
"Hey! How could you say that I will get rejected?" Kylo frowned
"Well, for a first, her friends don't like you very h… those two, Milly and Gizel What did I ever do to them? Anyhat do they have to do with this? It's Via I want to have a relationshi+p with, not those two"
"Listen to irl, you should also impress her friends You should turn theood words about you and won't get in your hen you want to have soirlfriend Trust me"
Kylo harru ony aunt?"
"Well, this is an expertise I learned through experience so you should listen" Charlton responded laughingly