Chapter 33 - 33: The Duke And The Duchess Visits (1/2)

Chapter 33 - 33: The Duke And The duchess Visits

On the 1st Saturday of October, Serena's parents cahter that the first thing she did when she arrived was to call on her in the school's dormitory

"My dear, I have not seen you for only less than a rown more beautiful than ever I missed you my child" The duchess said drahter

"Mother, I ed the duchess back

"How have you been these days? Are you adjusting well? Is the schoolwork heavy?" her mother asked continuously, worry etched on her face

"Yes, everyone is treating ards to schoolwork, I find it bearable so please do not worry"

"That is good to hear I was indeed a little worried that you may have encountered sohters found it challenging to cope with the schoolwork But as expected, hter is the best!" she finished proudly

Serena laughed as she said "ive me too much credit, I did say I find it bearable but that doesn't mean that I excel"

"Au contraire, I spoke with the principal earlier and was told that your teachers can't praise you enough" Duke Si the surprise from Serena and her mother, he continued "The door was not closed properly so I invited myself in"

"Father, you're also here" Serena said as she sh she just met the duke and duchess once, she already felt an inextricable sense of belonging with theer within her, or that she just felt close to theer

The duke hugged her back aardly, still not used to the hugs of his grown daughter, as his eyes roa?" he asked

"Yes, thank you for choosing this room for me" She already saw the rooms of her friends, and well, let us just say that hers look like it was meant for a princess She even heard that hers was the best rooave another once over of the roo it suitable enough for his princess

"Anyway, do ask Beatrice to prepare your belongings I already got approval for special permission to have you and Leonard stay at our mansion here in the capital over the weekend"


"Supposedly, ill have our first visit of the orphanage next Sunday However, we decided toprelireed that ill have our first official visit on the 1st week of November At least by that time, the results of the preliminary exam are out, and ill be able to include the freshmen representatives in this project" Geoffrey explained to the student council estions?"

Leonard cleared his throat as no one was voicing his/her opinion "Well, I still have some questions left unanswered For one, the real objective of this project still eludes me What do we really want to do for this project? Do we try to help the children get adopted? Do we need to provide for theive out lessons when it will not really be helpful as we are onlyour effort will be more effective if our true aim is to raise awareness which it initially was"

"I do see your point Leonard However, the school and the orphanage already agreed to the arrange the objective, we do not need to help children get adopted because as I was infore of 10 will have no problee of 10 above Children who do not get adopted at that age already have their awareness and it is inevitable for the wanted Based on this fact, if ere to sie, the results h it reater publicity and raise more awareness, we may for said reason cause harm to the children unintentionally These older children need secure attachments, and albeit only teh our continuous visits, we may be able to foster a bond with them and in some way diminish their insecurities I hope this answers your question"

Leonard nodded, finally convinced by Geoffrey's explanation It was no secret that he was an adopted child himself and he knows just how lucky he truly was

"Do you have an approximate number of the children in their custody? Also, what about their ages? I think that is so we need to be prepared for" Diether, a senior representative asked

"Froe About a third of which are children above the age of 10 Just so that we are clear, what I said earlier doesn'tour efforts on those above the age of 10 The attention given to all children will still be equal as to not er ones feel unwanted So are there other matters you wish to raise?"

When everyone shook their heads, Geoffrey continued "Since that is now settled, does anyone wish to raise a new agenda for the co weeks?"