Chapter 374: The Final Treasure (2) (1/2)
Chapter 374: The Final Treasure (2)
Translator:hi either?”
TKBM’s top executives were in uproar Chairroup
"Soht There’s no way Seo Ju-Heon would do so like this!”
Based on Ju-Heon's abilities alone, it would not be weird to see hi his authority like this
However, Ju-Heon had not been able to do soes
‘It’s at the level where regular healing artifacts won't work’
It see treated like this would say screw this, I's better or else, but
“He nor like this after that incident in the past”
That was right
Ju-Heon had not been treated like this by TKBM frooodness Mr Ju-Heon, you're so talented’
‘You cleared a tomb that nobody has been able to clear!’
‘Sunbae-niood care of me’
There had even been a faction at TKBM with Ju-Heon at the center in the past
The problem was that Chairman Kwon hated it
‘It’s bad if that bastard has people following him’
Talented bastards were bound to dream of independence He was scared that the others around hi that would make Ju-Heon aim for his position
‘That bastard is talented enough to easily beco like that happen
But the factions were already being developed within the company
‘Wow, don’t you think that Mr Ju-Heon is actually more skilled than the Chair here instead of going off on his own? You're strong enough to create your own company TKBM is a well-known company but you could easily aio with you if you leave H soe’
That was extremely bad for Chairman Kwon
Most importantly, Chairht start having ideas of leaving
That hy he completely shut it down
He created a rift between Ju-Heon and the people who liked Ju-Heon and supported him in the company
‘What did you say? Ju-Heon did that? He stole Team 2's merits?’
He also killed off the people ere urging Ju-Heon to leave whileit look like Ju-Heon had done it
‘damn it! Chairman Kwon locked all of us in here!’
But the ruoodness He was so greedy forhim Apparently he left Team Chris inside the tomb’
‘I heard he used them as shi+elds and was the only one to make it out alive’
‘He oodwills like that? How?!’
‘I didn’t think he was that kind of person, but he's a total psychopath How can the Chairman-niet close to hi used as well No wonder he just goes around raiding to like normal people’
Ju-Heon ended up as a loner at TKBM after that There were lots of negative gossip about his Unsanctioned Excavation Team as well
That was how Ju-Heon's entire to team ended up branded as terrible
The teaed and wanted to reveal that all of the rumors about Ju-Heon were lies fabricated by Chairman Kwon, but Ju-Heon told them to stop
‘I just crossed a line that I should have never crossed with Chairman Kwon’
‘But Captain-ni!’
‘You didn't even have any plans of creating your own faction’
Unfortunately, Chairman Kas an extremely suspicious person
Ju-Heon knew better than anybody else that Chairman Kould not be happy unless he towered over everybody else
‘This is his way of stealthily givingfrom his paradise and know your place
Ju-Heon had known that was the case from the moment he joined TKBM, so he kept his !’
‘It’s good enough for uys know the truth’
In addition, Ju-Heon could not do anything about it
All he could do was reainst Chairman Kwon
What happened after that was obvious The employees who didn't know about the incidents probably didn't want to get on Chairman Kwon’s bad side
‘That teaet on their backs Don’t even pretend to be close to them unless you want to be implicated as well’
‘The company has no choice but to hold onto them because of Pandora’
‘Ah, the Executive Director-nim really hates that team He would probably be happy if you screw them over and cuss them out’
They naturally read the atmosphere of the company and used Ju-Heon's team for their own benefits
Ju-Heon turned into the co people did so that he could resolve Chairman Kwon's suspicions
As for the people ere draard Ju-Heon because of his abilities despite the drama, the people above stepped in
‘Hey Your ’
They compared those people with Ju-Heon to crush their confidence and make them loath Ju-Heon If that didn't work, they would fire the person
That cycle pretty uy who should have known his place after being ignored by his fellow eoodness, ere trying to be nice because it seeone crazy”
Chair carrot for Ju-Heon Ju-Heon had done a lot of good things for him lately as well
“But it's bad if he doesn't know his place and keeps up these shenanigans”
“It should be okay because we told people this is because of an artifact’s risk”
The board uess we need to teach hiht It would be bad if he becaant and aimed for the Chairman-nim's position”
“No matter how crazy that bastard is, he wouldn't cast aside his sister”
They s ways to stop Ju-Heon
They had no idea that all of it would be useless
While that was going on
[I'm sure of it, Seo Ju-Heon is very close to the Cradle]
The apocalypse artifacts were grinding their teeth while looking at Ju-Heon
[This bastard will end up calling up the Cradle if this continues]
The apocalypse artifacts deters could end up bad for them
[Use the Time and space artifact to send our allies over! Seo Ju-Heon should not be able to use the Majesty's powers properly over there so they should be able to take care of hiest apocalypse artifacts quickly disappeared
[Don't worry too much That di the humans]
[That is true]
[But should we do a few s just in case?]
The apocalypse artifacts’ eyes flashed
The for in on their conversation, frowned
The person responsible for sending Ju-Heon there seemed extre like this’