Chapter 341: A knight my ass (4) (1/2)
Chapter 341: A knight my ass (4)
Translator: miraclerifle
“I can even let you borrow one of my artifacts to make it if you want?”
Joy fell backwards after hearing that
There was only one reason as to why she was so shocked
‘Ju-Heon is going to letabout how she hit a jackpotuntil she got scared He was telling her to make an artifact for his ene the enemies they would return the weapons they picked up at the last battle!
Joy had an orabbed Ju-Heon
“U okay? Can I really make a key for her?”
Ju-Heon sneered at her
“Why not?”
It was prettyto make a copy of the Majesty's Key
He was the only one who could go into the Great Prison right now
‘There’s no way those bastards would be okay with that fact’
That hy trying to create so he had expected
“That’s why it doesn’t ood and send it to the to make her one”
“Yeah I'll let you borrow my key so that you can touch it all day to reference i”
Ju-Heon was about to take his ring off but stopped It was probably because he saw his sister drooling while looking at his ring
Ju-Heon slowly usted
“Just use your iination”
“What?! Why?!”
‘Why else? I forgot she was ive it back to him if he let her borrow it
But at that moment
Joy's phone started vibrating Joy see up
The call ended before it went off again as if it was angry!
Buzzzz! Buzzzz!
The vibrations alone see her ignore it again
“Are you not going to pick it up? It seems like an important call”
“I, it's not that important It’s just spao off
As Joy becaainst the wall
Ju-Heon, whowhen the hell did he even take her phoneanswered the call He heard an unfamiliar woman’s voice
[Hey, why the hell haven't you been picking up?! I told you that you have to always pick up my calls]
[Anyhy are you ignoring ht away I'ht n]
“You want me to run my ass over?”
The person on the phone seemed shocked
How could she not be shocked when she heard a man’s voice instead of Joy's voice?
[W, who the hell are you?!]
“Me? The owner of this cellphone’s owner”
Joy's jaw dropped at Ju-Heon’s actions Her eyes see that he can’t do this
And then Joy anxiously grabbed Ju-Heon's arm
“H, holdJu-Hmmph!”
Ju-Heon covered Joy'sover my subordinate employee If you really want a key, call back with respect and sincerity”
Joy started screa up the phone
“W, what the hell are you doing?!”
Ju-Heon started to frown
“Spill Who the fuck is this disrespectful bitch?”
“This bitch is the one who told you to make the key Who is she to you?”
“No, wait”
Joy debated for athe beans as if she had no choice
“My stepsister”
Fire see out of Ju-Heon's mouth and eyes as soon as he heard that
“Your stepsister?”
His voice sounded vicious
“She's just like her fucking parents”
“Ju, Ju-Heon?”
Ju-Heon started to smile as if he found the situation to be despicable
A clear h his h school
Joy had tried to conored her coers now
It ht have seemed cold but there was a reason for it
Ju-Heon had been threatened at that time
Joy's adopted parents had threatened hihter who is living a good life’
It was understandable why those people had been so co incident with them in the adoption process
‘I remember I stole their wallets and even put their car on fire’
He had been quite vicious for an eight year old
That hy he just thought they were still angry even though it was ten years later
He had left Joy in their care thinking that they were at least cherishi+ng her but what?
‘But they treated her like this?’
The attitude of this so-called stepsister was beyond anything he had expected She wasn’t just a bitch in her personality, she was pretty much an actual bitch She didn't deserve to be huexpenses, payh the ular parent-child relationshi+p She was pretty e debt
‘No wonder she always looked so shabby’
Ju-Heon peeked toward Joy
She was extremely beautiful since she looked exactly like Ju-Heon but she did not doll herself up
Her facial features were on point and her skin was smooth and white Her short hair that came down to her shoulders looked sleek and her face looked intelligent
But none of that mattered
Her red checkered shi+rt looked shabby and the large round glasses on her small face had so she earing was the employee ID around her neck
That hy it eird
‘So her clothes, accessories, and all sorts of things’
He had bought her a bag and wallet froh she had been shaking saying it was really expensive, she said it was pretty and seeo?
None of that ht now
"Do you owe these people money?”
“No! Of course not!”
“Then why the hell are they treating you like this?”
Joy didn’t see but Ju-Heon pretty much forced it out of her with coercion
“It’s just the fate of an adopted child It’s nothing much”
“Yeah So please showI'll only look at it for aon Ju-Heon's hand
“Anyway, don't worry about what just happened It’s just that she's a bit crasensitive Really We actually have a good relationshi+p”
“Okay, that's good”
Ju-Heon’s s
At the same time
“Who the hell was that bastard?!”
Joy's stepsister Michelle was looking at the phone in disbelief
“He’s that parasite’s owner? Then I guess he’s the CEO of that bitch's company?”