Chapter 417 Raids End 4 (1/2)
Chapter 417 Raid’s End 4
Diaainst Ace "Stand down We have e need Mission's over"
"Not over Never Over" Ace floated forward, not sparing a glance at Diamondback He only looked ahead, towards the enemy he knew he had to destroy The ene froold circuited azes
"I knew it! The ace did not fail!" The scientist's voice boo from each and every machine in a cacophony of joyous shrieks "Behold, you philistines - the peak of e of Alterhue!"
"Stop Talking" Ace kept forwards, but Diamondback stopped him with his arm
"Mission's over I understand you have a personal grudge, but so does Alan here So does Clint You don't take priority over any of us," said Diamondback
"" Ace did not stare at Dia aniistered Dia
Ace put his hand on Diamondback's forearm
Diamondback instantly pulled his ar step back too, his crystalline heel digging into the rock
"What's wrong!?" asked Falco
Diamondback had felt it Theinto the forefront of his : the fear of death
"What the hell?" Kris tapped his goggles The purple lenses clicked and whirred as they picked up on Diaone Unraveled like old cloth"
It was true The incredibly durable cyrstalline metamaterial that encased Diamondback's arm had, like Kris pointed out, frayed apart in strands that should have been impossible to es of energy outlined the green diao" Ace pointed back while looking forwards "And stay out"
There was no hint of threat in Ace's voice, but perhaps the lack of it was even more ominous It was too neutral, as if he considered everyone there to si
Ace flew by, and this tiood
"We DO already have the Kryptic," said Stella, briefcase in hand "And what's a little ol' double crossing to a cri like this, huh?"
"Take the Kryptic, you fools," said Machine Mind "All I need isabout this whole situation," said Tox, biting her lip Her gaze lingered at Ace's back "Machine Mind's just seen that Ace is way, WAY stronger than before Iall through his veins, in his heart - that's totally a big powerup, right?
But the geriatric tinkerer still wants to duke it out with Ace? He must have a plan"
"Of course I have a plan I have plans atop of plans atop of plans Plans are all that I am, all that I have been Plans have been the product of all the research and blood I have shed," said Machine Mind "I cannot say I predicted this moment, but I certainly welcome it nonetheless
As for the rest of you, well, none of you are worth my time"
Machine Mind punctuated the end of his sentence by getting all of his bots into combat mode There was still a sizable army of them At least five Cyclops and a veritable horde of s them
A maelstrom of missile fire, lead, fire, and lasers blast out fro up!" shouted Alexis She raised her hands up, and everyone huddled near her But in the nextwith everyone else as all of the projectiles were stopped seely in midair
Ace had his hands thrust out, like he was pushi+ng against a wall He reainst force weighing down on every inch of his body
"Brother" Ace whispered under his breath,sentile projectile - bullets, s like lasers - hovered in the air, outlined in blue energy
Ace was holding everything back with seely utter ease His tactile telekinesis had evolved beyond co brick type Alter He was strong and could fly but that was about it His tactile telekinesis was just a slight cherry on the top that let hie his force efficiently
Now, it was basically on the level of advanced telekinesis
"I see now," said Kris, his goggles whirring as he analyzed the situation "When he touched DB and broke apart the dia telekinesis Not just that, he basically changed the metamaterial's atomic structure from hard as hell to soft and clothy in an instant"