Chapter 415: Raids End 2 (1/2)

Chapter 415: Raid's End 2

"Am I dead?" Falco looked around from the dirt, hands covered over his head

"No, not yet" Alan grabbed Falco by the shoulder and hoisted him up "In spite of your best efforts"

"Hey, and here I thought at least you hada newbie like me and all," said Falco

"Theeyes scanning their surroundings Her barrier was in the center of a s for droids led by the hulking Cyclops with their h caliber autocannon arolden circuit patterns wreathed through their bodies – signs of Machine Mindthem

"Stella, update us," said Diamondback

"Ol' Clint out in the front beat the tar outta the Sword, but not just that He got the Sword to send an executive coet ant," said Stella "I just relayed that info to the mind creeper here"

"Seriously?" said Tox She instantly put an i down I have to help Ace"

Alexis nodded, but Diamondback held up a hand

"Not yet," said Diamondback "I understand how you feel, but we need to ascertain the situation"

"No, you don't understand!" said Tox, exasperated "These , that clone, it isn't a ht still be beating Ace up!"

"Correct" Machine Mind's voice resonated all throughout the cavern, echoing from each and every uarantee the safety of your co device I implanted within the clone's brain"

"That ht?" said Tox hopefully

"Inconclusive," said Machine Mind "That clone is a near perfect specimen Almost as perfect as the one you used to breach this lab A si hi her eyes "He's involved with this so him?"

"I have said too much This does not concern your narrow ive you the Kryptic But in exchange, you will leave peacefully You will not dae our research any further"

"Understood," said Dia to be it?" said Alan "Weren't we supposed to make them hurt?"

"No We were supposed to 'make some noise'," said Diamondback "We've done that already The Kryptic is all we are here for We get it – we get out No further need to risk ourselves"

"daree on," said Kris with a sigh

"Y-yeah, getting outta here doesn't sound all too bad," said Falco

"No No, this is too easy," said Alan "The Trident has so much here So much that could be taken from therudges interfere" Diamondback's voice was stern Final

Alexis clasped her hands together Her barrier rippled "I'h in and say that I' the Kryptic see Machine Mind and the researchers behind?

Won't they just alert the rest of the Trident?"

"But that's the point, isn't it?" said Diamondback "It forces the Trident to split their forces over here As for theine that's a calculated move on part of Thanatos If I understand correctly, the Trident's biggest leverage over Solomon Solar is the Kryptic

Whoever has that Kryptic holds Solomon's collar In this case, that'll be Thanatos

Once Soloer has it, what do you think an abused, chained dog will do? It'll lash out Or worse"