Chapter 401: {Aftermath} (2/2)
"I aress of your species However, I desire to reconfirreeovernment"
"What, think I'm not trustworthy, is that it?"
"Yes" Kinesis replied bluntly and without hesitation
TheI like about you You're honest Though that doesn't count for shi+t if you're not huht behind a lie But don't worry, S-class dog, your deal's still intact
You help us clean house and takeover, and we'll connect you back to the Core and send you right back on to your home, wherever the hell it is"
"Now clear the area and return to base Tie up any loose ends if you have to And await further orders"
Kinesis saw the drone fly away, zipping back out of the crater with speed that outperformed any ordinary drone She had two orders to fulfill To tie up any loose ends – a phrase she was familiar with – and to return to base
She acted on the first order, floating down the storage area and into the mansion She descended three stories until she reached a room secured with fortified metal doors
Or, more accurately, previously secured The doors arped and broken apart froh the doors was a sterile, white-tiled rooround, was Bart Hah-caliber bullet holes riddled his back, still leaking fresh blood that painted the clean white tiles with fresh red
His ar woman lay nestled inside a medical chamber that looked like an advanced coffin Tubes and wires jutted out of the chaills, giving her the support to breathe
Kinesis briefly analyzed the room Bart Haue AI involving Arthur
The high caliber rounds that killed Hay constructs but were created to exactly match the ammunition available to Arthur and the drones under his control
The cause for Arthur's sudden insanity would be ruled as infiltration froer be present to defend hiovernainst Haven
In addition, Caliburn, a co to coh profile clients to the govern its custo it completely
But Kinesis did not care much about these results, if at all All she cared about was the orders she was given Each one took her one step closer to returning home Back to the Forain
Kinesis pointed her arave her life Bullets shaped in the air beside her hand
The girl's chest heaved up, then down in rhythmic, mechanically assisted motion Her eyes were closed, her body still, unable to resist or, indeed, perceive anything at all
Kinesis put her hand down The constructs faded She had only been given an order to 'tie up loose ends' That was a vague statement open for interpretation At its baseline, it meant there could be no survivors left
But this fragile lifeform would die soon anyway The networks in this domicile would shutdown in minutes It would only take a few more minutes after that for her to suffocate There was no need to assure her death
Kinesis fleay