Chapter 400: {Usurper} (1/2)
Chapter 400: {Usurper}
In the Necropolis
"Your Usurper is in quite some trouble, Mel Is that why you called me here? To save him?" Medula stood before the belltower at the peak of the Necropolis
There, beneath the pillar of green energy that fueled the entire Necropolis was the Death Lord Gone were her usual regal robes of silky emerald and lavender Instead, she sat there completely naked, her icy pale skin outlined in a torrent of falling teal energy
Patches of emerald scales around her elbows, knees, shoulders, and cheeks as well as her two horns, curved back like scythe blades, seereen hue
She sat cross-legged, hands together and eyes closed as the energy roared and crashed through her She looked like a h instead of rushi+ng water pouring through her head, it was unfathoy fueled fro awfully thin," said Medula, eyeing Mel's bared body up and down Nory robes or, in her Shattered Bone stance, juggernaut class armor In terms of physique, she fell just shy of Rella who looked like she shattered boulders between her thighs daily
Now, though, Medula noticed, Mel had downsized Her one, but she only looked athletic, not at all like the proud, skull-splattering warlord she had once been
"I a out a diet," said Mel with a smirk "Do men not love lithe, slender bodies they can hold better than the hardness of muscles that outshi+nes theirs?"
"Since when have you cared of whath trened itis
You and Rella ive pieces of yourselves to keep it fueled Eventually, there will be nothing left in either of you to kindle this realm"
"We can worry about that much, much later," said Mel "If the Usurper perishes, then so too does this entire real by his last moments, he has not been killed
Or else this ream would have collapsed entirely
No, he has been sent away Far away To another realm entirely One far across the Between"
Mel took in a tired breath
The Betas, as the naested, the space between realer than dienerally all self-contained bubbles of existence, but they did have proximity to each other that affected how easy it was to influence each other
It was easier to think of realms like planets in space and dimensions like moons that orbited them
The void of space, then, was the Between The farther away realms were across the Between, the harder it was to make contact with them
Mel's connection with the Usurper was extreether - Soulbound Bonds, as they were called in Elduin - were like that The fact that Mel could barely feel any hint of connection meant that the Usurper was indeed far, far away
"What is with that look of longing?" said Medula "You do not truly need him, do you? If he perishes now, then he simply failed your test to inherit your powers And you are not shy of facing death No, wait…"
The top of the Necropolis where they stood darkened, the view of the ghostly hills below fading away It was as if a fog of dark had descended upon the away visibility to its very last breath
"Do you remember now?" said Mel
"I do" Medula rubbed her forehead "Dealing with thisrestriction is tiring Do you truly believe the Usurper can rise to the challenge? To challenge the Game, no, to break it entirely?"
"To be honest, I have no idea," said Mel "But he is who I was bound to, and he did in fact kill me in the other realm when I failed, so he is not exactly incoe the Ga ht
Were we ordinary beings, ould have been annihilated forof it Even now, to even have discourse about it, we eet everything"
"Ah, so this is why you were so lenient with the Usurper," said Medula "And why you grant me leave of this realm Once you are fully Usurped, the Usurper will inherit your knowledge of the Ga your bind of silence