Chapter 388: Heist Intrusion (2/2)
"What is it?" said Diamondback
"The hell? Sounds like an aircraft," said Clint
"Aircraft?" Tox shook her head "Not possible, oldhere Any aircraft wouldn't be able to land through a geostorm"
"But a HV can," said Clint
HVs, or hover vehicles as they were known in long forines to hover They were slower than typical etherite-fuel engines, but they coh conditions
"An HV?" Alan questioned "Anti-grav engines have y requirements Out here, in the Wastes, you'd be hard pressed to find charging stations Any HV out here has to be rocking either aa physical visual will be ih the dust clouds and winds," said Diamondback "Not to mention risky The storm hides us from any HV sensors, but if we try to h chance it'll spot us too if it's geared with decent optics
Need to get a reure out what's going on"
"Geostor his black gloved hand in front of hiy
They crackled and fizzled chaotically at his touch "I can dive, butto be spotty It'll be hard for h level of detail
At best, I eneral outline, h level Any infor," said Dia Secure ainst the rock pillar,himself comfortable for the dive Once he dove, it would basically be like as if his soul was sucked out his body
He would be rendered completely defenseless in Realspace
Like all Phantoms, Kris had a jaw-shaped mask that covered the lower half of his face He pressed a button on it, and it hissed, releasing pressurized, cooled air through his
He grew li low as his consciosness floated to Cyberspace
"Perimeter," said Diamondback
Stella, Tox, Ace, and Alexis responded pro his position
"Over here" Clint guided Alan and Falco, the tbies, behind hie frame for cover in case of attack "Make sure to keep a look out where everyone else ain't lookin'-,"
"I know," said Alan "I've downloaded h it"
"Yeah, I knew that too," said Falco, though not very convincingly It was very obvious that Falco had never really been a part of a big operation before, which did beg the question why he had an Aztech gun, as Aztech was actually quite high end
Probably all for show
"daht, y'all kids learn so quick these days shi+t, when I was your ages, I barely kneipe ht, hah!" said Clint
"Quiet, all of you," said Diamondback
Several tense minutes passed
Kris shuddered before he caoggles darkened a few shades
"As expected, I couldn't get h eostor it," said Kris
"Definitely rade, then," noted Alan
"What else?" said Dia markers? Is it tied to a coi"