Chapter 357 Mysteries of Birth (1/2)

Chapter 357 Mysteries of Birth

The entire roo Aldrich's revelation

V was the first one to break it with a cheery, "Well, now I know your birthday's coure out how to surprise you"

Aldrich appreciated V's optimism She had a pep about her that re compared to Adam Not that he minded Adam, either "It's not much of a surprise if you announce it, is it?"

"Guess you're right" V laughed before she nodded over to Mel and Beta "So, let ' as Mr laser pointer dot does: was Aldrich's birth part of the Unraveling?

Or maybe even the cause?"

"Keep in ," said Mel "It was a mystery in our tio back in tis out fro froa Expansion Save us the trouble of dealing with it now"

"That is an impossibility," said Beta "The dimensional barrier that earth produces is not only spatial in nature, it is temporal too You can consider it a barrier withthe fabric of reality

space, ti occurred, it prevented any access to the timestream before it

In addition, the temporal layer of the barrier repaired far slower than did the spatial or di the Unraveling difficult, if not impossible

The earliest we could arrive in was five years ago

As for Aldrich Yang's relation to the Unraveling, as Mel has stated, the Unraveling is difficult to analyze, thus, I cannot calculate any appropriate conclusion I can, however, provide my opinion that this is simply too much of a coincidence for there not to be a correlation"

"How's the barrier regulated, then? You said it self-repairs, there must be a mechanism that does it," said V "You can just study that ht? Maybe even take control over it"

Mel looked at Beta orried glance "It is not simply a mechanism that controls the barrier It is an entity"

"Huh?" V cocked her head "Doesn't that make it even easier? Just nab that entity then"

"I have an idea of what that entity is," said Aldrich "And 'nabbing' it isn't going to work"

Mel nodded "You've already encountered it when it was controlling the Locus The Voice"

"I had anotherwith it too," said Aldrich "When I took control of one of its Geists, I was sent into what I assume is its psychic space We reached a ceasefire then The Voice would pull back all the Locuses and Geists, and in exchange, I would make sure humanity left this planet"

"What?" Mel raised a brow She nudged Beta with her elbow, though of course, her arh the dot

"I know, I know, I a that statement," said Beta impatiently "You see, in our ti the world"

"Voice, what? Are we talking about the scripted singing show or aht V was deep diving in Desmond's mind this whole time She was in the dark

"The Voice is an entity that controls all the Variants It is, froh the dohter," said Aldrich

"Christ, we really are just now figuring out how the world literally works, huh?" said V, scratching her head as she contemplated this information

Aldrich asked Beta and Mel "You two should have more experience with the Voice What else do you know about it?"

"Very little," said Mel "By the time the Voice made its existence aware to us, it was just a hostile threat hell bent on wiping hu the planet in its oay There was no negotiation to be had, no deal to be made where we could co about it other than the fact that it's powerful as shi+t and capable of controlling the titans

The fact that you actually cooperated with the Voice is astounding to me in the first place"