Chapter 338 The President 2 (2/2)
"I want you to help the Panopticon recover fro it suffered at the Judicata," said Enatures at a fine-tuned level Due to that, I know that you have so in Haven Give the Panopticon a sample of that, and it can replicate the defenses"
"Asking for thatall your cards down already?"
"I have more to play," was Emrys's cool answer, and because of his inscrutable face, it was i or not "And I can choose not to play, either It is up to you"
"That's quite a lot to ask for The Panopticon's defense should be its own responsibility, no?" It sounded like E for much, and he was, but the request was not as one-sided as it seeer, and if the Stranger could, whenever it had its possession capabilities up, take over high end Panopticon tech, it would be a massive pain in the ass to deal with if it could just pad itself with armies of class 2 and 1 robots and drones
Not toover Panopticon space stations
Valera's worry at an orbital strike became much more of a likelihood unless Aldrich provided the Panopticon a way to defend itself And there was the cost in life, too
The Panopticon still riculture and infrastructure Right now, cities were getting by on eency reserves and limited supply transport Sooner or later, that had to end
"Rest assured, the Panopticon is not defenseless It is not a stranger to Irregular power sources In tie it may suffer an additional attack or two before that adaptation occurs
I a you a chance to expedite that process"
And, Aldrich noted, if the Panopticon adapted on its own, E to Aldrich anymore He did not knohether this was a bluff either
For all this time, he had operated under the principle that Alter tech was helpless against ic, but the more he found out about the world, the ulars, alien technologies hidden away, and who kno many more variables, it was entirely possible that the Panopticon could, in fact, fend off against demonic possession
At which point Aldrich lost his leverage
"And what are you offering me?" said Aldrich
"I was part of Superuard's successor He believed the heir to be huave you his eye, he no doubt believed that it would be within your self interest to find the heir as well
I a down the heir"
"And if we find said heir? Will you take them in? To be the new savior of mankind?" said Aldrich
If that was the case, then there was no real benefit for Aldrich To huuard's heir would surely be soainst the entity
But Aldrich reaped no direct benefit si the heir
"No That is too one-sided of a deal You can have the heir," said Emrys "Turn them into one of your soldiers, if you so wish"