Chapter 293 Night Parade (2/2)
"I don't have to consuic within, no?" said Aldrich According to the lore, one could directly absorb spell knowledge fro it as a consumable, but normally, casters studied the tome to learn the spells themselves so as not to destroy the precious iteic that surpasses the highest of experts
But in your case, you have no real knowledge - your spell th
Unless you wish to spentthe toic within," said Medula "And besides, a twelfth circle spell is far beyond what you can handle Your body and soul would sunder apart ic​
Even the Death Lord herself knows but two such spells, for anymore would shatter her et hurt" Chrysa tapped Aldrich's helet what I want, it'll be fine" Aldrich spoke to Medula "I don't knowones
All the twelfth circle spell toaet one of her twelfth circle toa that three had been used already The Death Lord had notably used thich left the question re as to where the other one went
But that was not so important Aldrich just needed to make sure the one he wanted was still here
"Tell ht Parade of a Thousand Spirits] still here?"
"It is," said Medula
"I want that one," said Aldrich "From what I recall, it's a channel based spell with a cost that scales down to the caster, draining me only as much as I can sustain it
That should take care of the whole ht Parade of a Thousand Spirits] was a channel that used the caster's self as a singularity point froht] event created an unholy area where spirits and undead were at their strongest and life at its weakest It constantly spawned undead and aggressive spirits while anything living in the area had their life energy continuously drained
The ht] becath of the spirits and undead growingpoint where it became a perpetual hts] were considered natural disasters on par with the worst calaon attacks or meteor strikes
Entire civilizations had been wiped out by [Dying Nights] that grew out of control
There were many weaknesses to the spell as well, but Aldrich would deal with theot it
"Then the spell is useless to you As you are now, you can sustain the Night Parade for what, five seconds? If even that?" said Medula "Perhaps ten if you sacrifice your health along with your ht requires at the very least thirty et the fuel for it? Mass sacrifices? How many lives will that take? Ten thousand? More?"
"That's an option," said Aldrich "But regardless, that's the spelltome I choose"
"" Medula held back, not wishi+ng to part with one of her dearest treasures
"I'll sweeten the deal for you I'll take that soul fragets a suitable host"
"That was alreadyyou a Cursevein"
"There's ment there, it's still not all of you It's like you said just a probe that has a tiny bit of you in it
But I'll help you to put in your entire heart, your whole soul
You can fully incarnate so you can live in my realm by yourself, free from the Necropolis if you want," said Aldrich
Medula eyed Aldrich suspiciously "Is that possible?"
"From my brief encounter with the archdemon in the trial quest, she seemed confident that she could take over a body and escape this systeeddon, so I assuree of freedoe of a new realood, no?"
"That does sweeten things, but what I ae will be lost That you will die and it all be for naught"
"If I die, then you die too, and so does the rest of your collection Then it'll all have been for nothing The Death Lord knows this, which is why I figure she's been generous with granting me her power
You should know this too
And trust e I kno close you hold it to your heart I won't waste it And I certainly won't lose it by dying"
"" Medula rubbed her te "Fine"