Chapter 283 Defense (2/2)

"That's not fair!"

"Tell raded versions of their boss or important plot items" Aldrich reached his hand towards the seed but did not touch it A screen popped up in front of him

[You have reached the arselis Seed With its holy light, you may choose two options

1 Bless you and all allied units with holy light for the remainder of this quest

2 Cause the seed to bloo up its stored energy Upon the end of the channel, it will split apart and unleash a powerful wave of holy energy, purifying any dee

If the seed channels enough to fully purify the town, then the quest will be considered complete

However, you must defend the seed until the purification process is co will end and the seed will be rendered perhout the town

In addition, the boss of this area will notice the channeling and travel towards it]

Aldrich pressed the second option with no hesitation

The seed started to flux with energy Instead of sending waves of white outwards, it now drained the energy back into itself The grasses wilted and died The cavern branches cruht red and ash filled sky of the Flame Arc

The seed floated in the air on its own, drawing a single ring around it to indicate it had begun its channeling process Over ti 10 ress

With three rings, the seed would crack open and shunt out its built up energy in a nova of positive force that would wipe out all weak demons It would not kill Deimos, the main boss, but it would massively weaken hiet rid of Deimos and then the Flame Arc

In essence, this turned the quest into a defense based strategy ga it To defend this seed, he needed an entire army to ward off attacks froed units on rooftops, abusing chokeholds to h, Aldrich had no ar to this exact spot, he had no way to survive by hi the seed

But Barbos had confir: you could think out of the box You could play the ga

This seed was just a distraction Aldrich had no intention of protecting it

"Father…I don't like this," said Chrysa, her ears pointing up

"It is scary, isn't it?" Aldrich felt the ground shake He heard the ru pitter and patter of countless de ht

In the distance, at the top of the towering Arsillow tree where Deie, fiery light That was Dei the channel to e light started to ress to the seed If the game was still the saht, Chrysa," said Aldrich For the first time, he manifested his [Frosthallowed War Scythe] In sparks of pale blue, the scythe ht sit coloith pale blue tint, scythe heads of pure ice on either end, allowing Aldrich to cleave from both sides of the scythe Spikes of ice also protruded fro Aldrich pierce like a spear if needed as well

Aldrich heard the ru of dehter, comprised mostly of hellhounds and imps It was only after a few minutes that heavier hitters like Grinners would show up

"Yes, father?" Chrysa looked around nervously, though her bared fangs and claws ht as well

"We're going to hold our position for, let's see, around fiveto hit me But other than that, you save your mana," said Aldrich He pointed his scythe end to the top of the Arsillow tree, where the Flame Arc was "Because I'll need you to warp us both all the way over there"