Chapter 278 The Grinner (1/2)
Chapter 278 The Grinner
"Good luck, father!" Chrysa yelled out before she pranced away, opposite fro of ie cries that sounded like rapid, deep clicks
"You too, Chrysa Remember, efficiency is key Don't waste your mana on the small fry," said Aldrich
Chrysa nodded as she hopped in the air She furrowed her white brows and ed to create little platforms of distorted space beneath her feet Impressively, she had a natural baseline familiarity with her powers, which did make sense
Variants, unlike Alters, were born knowing how to use their powers far better It was part of their instincts Still, Chrysa had some room to improve She was a little shaky on her way up, her space platforms tilted unevenly
That would i to hone her instincts down to a sharpened edge
Aldrich had trim h countless combat siiment He dumped himself in extrehty men in it and survive' or more bluntly 'kill one hundred ainst the wall over and over, dying in virtual reality hundreds, no, thousands upon thousands of times until he succeeded
In a way, this was a sih instead of virtual reality there were trial quests Instead of infinite retries there was just one life, but Aldrich was there to guide her
"A pity you cannot cooperate with us," said the Grinner It closed its fists, and froh the flesh in blood streaked white
Aldrich clasped his hands together, charging up rin on the Grinner's tribal mask flashed with red
[Afflicted by Mora]
[Spell: Death Bolt sealed]
"This is a spell you have relied on greatly, it seee?" the Grinner said, its voice oozing with sinister intent
"H to so' is more like a function of your instincts and personality" Aldrich noted that the Grinner sealed [Death Bolt] as expected
Grinners generally always sealed the offensive spell or skill used the most, so in Aldrich's case this was the [Death Bolt] As for how it sealed the spell, it did so with [Mora], which was a unique type of aura that demons could project that is
It was the direct opposite of Aura that Gods held buffed their allies or selves
The effects of [Mora] were generally unique to the clan a demon hailed from In the case of the Grinner, a secret de effect
"Expected? Yes, you have torn through our ranks once before But that ith a legion at your back Now you have nothing but a child," said the Grinner "What else do you-,"
Before the Grinner stopped talking, Aldrich rushed in with [Negative Surge] Criss-cross patterns of green lined his legs and ar his liht into the de, Aldrich's hardened fist driving in deep to the de through the air
Aldrich drew back his fist, and the deaps in its mask
"I have my fists" Aldrich then launched a ht into the de it flying backwards like a truck had rammed into it