Chapter 267 Airbird (1/2)
Chapter 267 Airbird
Aldrich pressed his foot against the accelerator of his car The sturdy beast of arines venting out two tails of fiery exhaust powering the car to speeds over two hundredon?" said Dia his voice to be heard over the constant ruht you we ca with an iced dead body and no kid in sight"
It had been an hour since Aldrich had driven out of Redrock That hour was spent in tense silence For the first half hour, he had gone slow, avoiding suspicion and police encounters Now, though, he was far enough away froo full speed
The evac point was an hour and a half aith the last half of the trip being off road to minimize surveillance
"Unexpected circu the details of what happened under wraps"
"You're suspectinginfo?" asked Diamondback He was not offended Just curious
"Suspicion is a strong word Careful is more like it If you're worried about the child, she's safe"
"That's understandable" Diamondback crossed his are-red background of the Wastelands "I hear you called for air evac from Clint I would say that's a stupid decision, but you're not the type to make those kind of decisions
Not intentionally, anyways"
Valera glared back at Diamondback
"What? Everyone can make mistakes, no matter how sharp you are up here" Diaht," said Aldrich "In this case, it's less mistake and more unpredictability There's only so ht I haven't seen bots like that before," said Diah, but not the worst I've dealt with It was just the feeling I got from them They didn't feel entirely machine"
Aldrich raised a brow "What do you ht so a ives off that aand adaptation, all response to sti about how a ht felt mostly machine, but there was an odd bit of man there too"
"I sensed that too," said Valera
"…I see" Aldrich had not picked up on this because he did not have as much direct combat experience as either Dia was done in virtual sih hyper-realistic, did not simulate the 'hu into a si Much like fighting a ard, Aldrich understood he was below top class ht have been up there fro beings in the heat of combat fell short of people like Valera and Dia
Were the s, then? Part man? Not possible V would have pointed that out immediately
Perhaps they operated off of a new for that was raded version of True AI, the type ofthat could become sentient
True AI was outlawed after the Altering when a sentient AI called Infinity threatened hu control over all of its nuclear arsenal and technological infrastructure
It took the heroic sacrifice of Oendary techno, to infiltrate the AI's a sacrificed his ownaftermath caused a sort of psychic rift that created the Cyberverse