Chapter 249 Lnstinct (1/2)
Chapter 249 Lnstinct
Aldrich tapped his chest, where his Phylactery was
In response, the Chrysalis and Valera materialized in a shower of white particles
"Explore time yet?" said the Chrysalis She looked around at Fler'Gan's lab in wonder "So many toys…"
"These are not toys, child," said Fler'Gan "These are fine instruments of alchemy You would do well to know the distinction"
"Squid face!" Chrysalis pointed at Fler'Gan's mouth tendrils
"…I truly do not deal ith youth,"out the person you've been keeping in the roo to sleep?"
"Mhm Okay" The Chrysalis closed her eyes and concentrated She then clapped her hands, and with that, the Editor materialized in a flash of white He fell to the floor of the cargo space with a thu in deep sleep
The Editor was still dressed up in tattered grey suit froh, soon, he would lose that privilege
"He's all yours," said Aldrich
"Many thanks, O Elder" Fler'Gan's finger tendrils trembled in sheer excitement as he raised the Editor up with telekinetic force "Ah, I do hope that this specie the ether"
"I hope so too"
"Father, what's going to happen to him?" The Chrysalis cocked her head at the Editor Alter floating in the air "Will squid face hly break apart-," began Fler'Gan before both Aldrich and Valera stared at hi on about hoas going to dissect and brutalize the Editor
"I get it," said the Chrysalis "He's a bad guy You're going to get rid of him"
Aldrich blinked in surprise He knew that if the Chrysalis represented the pure side of his soul, then s to s for her For any child, really
As a result, Aldrich kept her away in the Boundary He could sense that unless she activelyon outside, so he used the Boundary as a ti the s he dealt with
Valera had kept the Chrysalis occupied in the Boundary, playing with her with hide and seek That kept the Chrysalis fro to hear Aldrich's conversations
But it seeht, Aldrich recalled that she had seen the Butcher in his eternal tor reaction then as well