Chapter 245 Feast 5 (2/2)

"Sounds like a grand old time!" corrected Leos "Hah, it is a shame you were not like this before, Volantis I would have liked you far better instead of that serious hunk ofthe only one a to let loose once in a while"

"And now-," Volantis wrapped his arm around Okeanos in brotherly fashi+on "You have tilling to drink you under the table! Or atleast until that undying flame of yours fades!"

"You seek to quench the Fladoe! More drink!" Leos motioned the smaller skeleton waiters to come by

The Death Lord stood and patted Aldrich on the shoulder, et in on this competition of theirs, shall we?"

Aldrich stood but looked to Valera,sure she was okay or whether she wanted to join in

"I will stay in the sidelines and watch," said Valera "Anything other than bloodwine does not really suitat you enjoy yourself"

"I wouldn't call reckless drinking enjoy

"But seeing your troops thrive is, is it not?" the Death Lord

Aldrich took his gaze froy He nodded "Yeah I guess it is"


Aldrich woke up in his bed in the Necropolis The first thing his eyes saere Valera looking down at hi his hair

"Are you feeling alright?" said Valera

"As well as I could be, all things considered" Aldrich sighed and closed his eyes again A headache banged at the depths of his brain, as did a general sense of nausea

When he tried to recall what happened, he only got hazy bits and pieces that aht the Death Lord said she was going to stopto this point What happened?"

"When she drank that entire barrel, I suspected she would not on, I assume someone like her would have made sure her drink had the ability to knock her out" Valera sighed

"…Yeah, you do have a point" Aldrich laid there for ahi him, but he could not stay like that forever

Aldrich raised hi a hand to his head "So what did happen?"

"Chaos, as you predicted," said Valera "Okeanos was the first to fall, falling unconscious Then Leos, his fla as he too fell victim to drink At that point, the Death Lord, three barrels in, made it well known that she was one of those drunks that causes nothing but trouble

She challenged you to a fistfight"

"A fistfight? What?" Aldrich furrowed his brows "I feel like with her current level, she would have killed me"

"She had the presence of th at the very least"

"So? Who won?"

"You did," said Valera "She was far too uncoordinated to do reat she was You, on the other hand, fought even better under the influence"

"Right I'ht under mind control or poisons that limit my motor control," said Aldrich

"Yes, and when she lost, she could not accept it and threw a tantru some of her draconic breath She froze over most of the banquet room," said Valera as she put a palht there I put you and Okeanos out of harm's way, but Volantis and Leos were ice blocks for many hours

After her tantrum, the Death Lord promptly passed out, and that was that"

"Yeah That does sound like chaos" Aldrich sighed

"Here" Valera put a sment in Aldrich's hand "Eat it"

"Hm? What is this?" said Aldrich

"The Death Lord awoke froot to work on your request Thankfully, she did not forget It is a prototype of your healing flask replacement," said Valera "Apparently it should clear you of any ill effects like the poisoning fro like the alcohol It was a refreshi+ng type of cold that woke you up, like stepping outside into wintry snow from a warm house

Almost instantly, Aldrich felt better, his headache and nausea scattering away

"Well, atleast it works," said Aldrich

"Yes I would have given that snake an earful if it did not after all she had you go through," said Valera

"It wasn't the worst thing to go through," said Aldrich "Might not have been uess it wasn't all bad"