Chapter 244 Feast 4 (1/2)
Chapter 244 Feast 4
The Death Lord visibly balked at Aldrich's words "Did I hear correctly, Usurper? You wish for MORE froed "More? Notbecause of you, and I noant soe Technically speaking, I' more from you"
"You never even used that little bottle!" protested the Death Lord
"I know, but I still liked having it around ets, the et even more valuable"
Valera nodded She faintly set in on a cooperative effort to bully the Death Lord "He is right I remember how many countless times that flask saved him To be robbed of that is quite the proble! You should be quite grateful I took her corrupting influence from you," the Death Lord crossed her arlance at Valera, and she glanced back at hined a partnershi+p right then and there for the express purpose of bullying the Death Lord
Aldrich started off "I willingly rejected the Goddess Aht maybe you had a replacement for it, but if not even you, the Death Lord, can uess I wouldn't feel too bad about it"
"That is true The Goddess A arts, hence, why she had sothat there are sos you cannot do compared to her" Valera took a cool sip of her blood hile the Death Lord looked between her and Aldrich with increasing annoyance
"You truly believe I fall below that foul eyesore of a God!?" said the Death Lord
"I'm sure in some areas, you're much better than her," said Aldrich
"Yet in the healing arts, with your hesitance to provide, it does seem quite obvious there are some fields where you are silass towards the Death Lord, pointing at her "But that is to be expected, no? She is Goddess of light and life, while you are et I asked," said Aldrich He took his two pronged fork and knife and started to take bites of the grilled griffin, as if to say 'of course you can't do this, so let's get back to eating' The griffith tasted just like chicken, which was kind of disappointing considering it was a fantasy creature "I would be asking too much of you, and like you said, you've already done so ht flush of hurt pride reddened across the Death Lord's pale cheeks She bared her fangs as she exclai that four faced fool can do, I can do even better! Give me that flask of yours!"
The Death Lord held out a de open hand towards Aldrich
Aldrichflask from his inventory and handed it over to the Death Lord She snatched the vessel away, staring at the glowing gold and blue and liquid within with abject disgust, like she had happened on raage The skin around her pale, little wisps of s from it
Aldrich raised a brow, concerned The Death Lord saw this and shook her head "What has this cohty Lord Over Death The Dragonsbane The Eternal Conqueror
I am no damsel in distress, Usurper My skin simply reacts more to the Goddess's foul influence more yours as I am more attuned with death
And I will show you once and for all that I am no 'second place' to Amara! I will have a replacement for you by the morrow!"
Valera put a triumphant hand on Aldrich's arm, as if to wordlessly say 'on' and to herself, 'I finally get to bully the Death Lord after all the teasing she's thrown my way'