Chapter 235 - Megaloptera 2 (2/2)

"Then how about this!" Stella propelled her way closer to the dragonfly before unleashi+ng twin beay from her hands The beams were thin, shaped almost like needles, and they spiraled as they crashed into the variant's carapace

Upon i twin eruptions that pushed out twin shockwaves that had enough power to carry a wall of dust and debris crashi+ng all the way to Aldrich

Aldrich th creating a gust that blew the dust cloud away This revealed several ny at a speed rivaling that of a car

"What a nuisance" Aldrich sighed as he cracked his knuckles "I wanted to spend so attention to my units But I suppose I do have time to deal with you all as well"

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"Let's raise some hell!" Clint roared as he shoulder tackled the last two ny pins as he bullrushed past theentle palm on the black carapace and took in a deep breath "Thank you kindly"

Clint opened his eyes with a thrill infused grin "For the ass kickin' opportunity you've given me!"

He then started to unleash punch after powerful punch against the dragonfly Each punch caused huge cracks to spiderweb out fro in deeper even than Stella's explosions

Right then, Clint narrowed his eyes as a shockwave rippled past hithy, wild brown fur-like hair ildly He looked up to see the explosion girl wreaking havoc with a twin boe ball she had started out with

"Now that's the spirit!" Clint shouted "More explosions, o!"

"Speak for yourself!" Stella yelled back "The hell are those pansy ass punches, huh? Can't even crack the shell!"

"Yeah? You want to see real power?" Clint shook his head and took in a deep breath, psyching hiht to hiht that, his an to swell in size His bones broke and stretched out, ht of three and a half meters

He exhaled, and his breath steah his nostrils

"Rah!" Clint roared, his voice deepening with a ruain, and this tialoptera's carapace like it was just fragile glass His araloptera released a shrill cry of pain in response It's giant legsit around in a circle, violently sla around it

Clint, with his arrown aloptera'shialoptera unleashed awith the aerial threat bothering it

'da to blow up as many in front of her as possible, but she knew even if she did, the spines moved so fast that they could pierce her before her explosions could disintegrate them

At best, Stella could try and knock theht still tear off a limb or two

That was until Ace flew in front of Stella, puffing his chest out confidently The spines clanged against Ace and bounced off like they had hit an impenetrable wall They did not even scratch Ace past his body's barrier

"Thanks, kid," said Stella with a relieved sigh

Ace save hi that hit is child's play to irl?" Stella saw that Ace did not carry Tox around anymore

"I dropped her off around…there" Ace pointed down to where Clint had been

"Well, I'll be daht she was squea in there like that" Stella watched as Tox used her liquid slime body to push her way into the araloptera

Tox oozed herself through the ross!" said Tox as she squirht about her training

About a single word

"Stealazed over Her disgust, her hesitance, all of that faded away as her trigger forced all distractions away and left nothing but pure, efficient killing intent

Tox drove herself deep into the variant The flesh around her sizzled and h, she would get into the variant's gut, its vitals, and then she could complete her mission