Chapter 209 Learning (1/2)

Chapter 209 Learning

Aldrich and Valera followed the Death Lord down the hallway outside their roo wary glances at the Death Lord

"Apologies for the rather rough state of this floor" The Death Lord looked around at the bare, undecorated rocky floor and ceiling that h power toas is"

"I would have thought it unwise to get yourself into life threatening sparring sessions if that were the case," said Aldrich as he stared at the Death Lord's new prosthetic e yourself"

"Indeed" The Death Lord put her e the prosthetic arm The arm moved around a ball joint at the elbow, and yet with re that of a natural ar her are of ular flesh and bone arm "Pretty, is it not? Functional, too, but function without foreain"

"Bel?" said Aldrich

"My personal giant blacksmith," said the Death Lord

"How many do you have?"

"My, when did this becoth I have?" The Death Lord laughed to herself "I have five giant smiths Four in my command now that Bors is under yours Rest assured, Death Walker, even one giant srant youthis realm's structures"

Aldrich nodded "Your troops: can you bring them out of this realm?"

"If you could do that, then we could add to our war power tremendously," noted Valera

"No," said the Death Lord She thought about this for another second and then shrugged "Technically only I am absolutely bound here, for if I leave, it all collapses But it is possible, I suppose, to lend you troops by teh you, they could leave

But I ht now: unless you take full ownershi+p of my troops, they will still be tethered to le skeleton outside in your realm would be enormous At best, they can manifest under your partial ownershi+p for, h to part with my dear troops unless you earn them"

"Earn them, is it?" Valera smiled coyly at the Death Lord "We will have your troops under us before that ancient body of yours even knohat has happened"

"I look forward to seeing it, little lady" The Death Lord returned the coy s years as a badge of honor The fact that I have lived long enough to becoon is one I am proud of"

"Got it" Aldrich spoke to hi into a ht not have seeive him ideas

"Ah, here we are" The Death Lord reached a dead end in the hallway Before her, there was a slightly upraised platform of rock studded with a smoothed-out mana crystal at the center "Hop on I will have Medula warp us to her study

There, the Chrysalis will learn warp o down to the crypts where your throne is Reconvene with your troops and challenge the Trials Volantis will be there as well, and I hear he has been ive Wai'ki my thanks?" said Aldrich Before the whole sleep rest incident, Aldrich had otten ownershi+p of the illusion that Wai'ki made of Volantis He had then sent it out of the Nexus to the real world so it could serve as a convincing decoy

Aldrich had even interrogated the illusion to make sure it did not seely functional It did not mimic Volantis, but instead Aldrich based on Volantis's erated version of Aldrich that seerander one liners, and he wondered whether that was because Volantis's perception of hih where Aldrich figured that it would take a high level interrogator to know so was off, and they would also need to have known Aldrich originally as a reference So far, nobody kneho Aldrich was, so there was no worry of that

"I did," said the Death Lord "She appreciated it greatly Looking to woo her heart, too, hirl – you are quite fierce so!" protested Valera "Who do you think my master is? Sory eyes Always looking forward Alanting" The Death Lord licked her lips with her forked tongue "Men with eyes like that er only for their ambition, but mark my words, little lady, once he tastes a woer upon you" The Death Lord eyed Valera up and down "A good body, but inexperienced

Hoill that inexperienced body of yours er, I wonder?"

"W-what?" Valera turned away froaze but then nodded in realization when she looked up at Aldrich "No, she's right When you pulled ly, without hesitation too, and you ht' Master…do you truly wish to consume me like that? If-if so, I promise you I will try not to disappoint!"

"I's I don't know" The Chrysalis pouted "I feel du dumb"

"You're not dus they shouldn't be talking about in the first place" Aldrich patted the Chrysalis's head and gave an accusing glance to the Death Lord and Valera

The Death Lord siaze and looked down at the Chrysalis with eager eyes "Coer will you be dumb!

You should be thankful – there are few ic as accomplished as Medula She may be a harsh teacher, but soon, you will learn and if you are even half as capable as your father, you will reach trehts!"

"Father…?" The Chrysalis looked up at Aldrich