Chapter 203: Resting (1/2)

Chapter 203: Resting

Aldrich looked down at his hands, at the last ickers of shadow leaving the past the ower vase and stack of books he held "So what? Does thatuseless?" "I would not say so" The Death Lord held the sleeping Chrysalis out towards

Aldrich "This one may have her own unique soul, but at the same time, it is not truly unique

It is a soul that developed using your own as a te, but fundah" The Death Lord cocked her head at the Chrysalis's sleeping, sweetly innocent smile "I would never have expected you to have a side like this within you" "If there was ever a side of one Buried" The Death Lord sht, of war and

Creatures that are pure dark or pure light are boring aboly awful Goddess"

Aldrich gently placed the ower vase and books down and took the Chrysalis fro in his war deeply with the chill of his undead skin "It is my current theory that you two represent two halves of one soul," said the Death Lord "Thus, your Boundary is still technically of one soul

Interference only occurs when two separate souls project incoreater the closeness of the souls, the greater the compatibility Kal'Ves, twins by birth, could project a perfectly complementary Boundary

I should surirl, created of your own soul, possesses an even closer link that that of birth twins I do not see an issue with your

Boundary developing

It will just require ? This isn't an innate racial ability?" said Aldrich "The ability to project a Boundary is innate to any suciently powerful Lich, but to actually develop and control it properly requires training" The Death

Lord reached out and squeezed Aldrich's shoulder muscles "Your muscles are part of your natural body, are they not?

And yet to th you must break them down and build them up - you must train them It is just the sa thing I have noted froe to use spells seems to imbue naturally within you You have no need to train to wield the just like the rest of us"

The Death Lord put her hand to her chin and looked away, talking to herself in a quieter tone "Perhaps it is because this systees, hm" "System of transferral?" said Aldrich

The Death Lord looked up "Hm? Yes This 'system' of yours is a functionfroinally

Now that I have taken it over, that power co, who or what it was bestowed this systeht about the in and ho clues he had to actually guring out how it had originated

There were so many unanswered questions and too little context to answer thea down the seller, but these were all a long shot "But do not think so hard, Death Walker," said the Death Lord "And take some rest Itagainst your Boundary core

And you may still feel powerful, tireless with your undead body, but you should allow your mind to rest To that end, I have prepared proper quarters for you and your guardian knight" "The Trial Quests-," began Aldrich

The Death Lord rolled her eyes "Coer to clear your mere second Trial Quest? You alone could annihilate any little being in that

You have all this time to spend with my wondrous looks and personality, and you choose the Trial Quests?" "If possible, yes," said Aldrich

The Death Lord pouted "Goodness, you truly are an odd specimen But heed my advice, Death Walker You must take so Casting hly advise against

Rest assured, you are not wasting time here While you rest, I will devise ayour Boundary There are also so dust I would like to bequeath you, mostly for your followers, but only if you pass a few trials of my own" "And ould those trials be?"

The Death Lord sht of theive a lady soe, king sized bed of plush silken green covers and royal purple blankets The bedfraold carved into patterns of bones and lilies Behind the bed, he had hung the painting of a house on a meadow that his mother had made On a stand o to the side, his father's comics and his mother's ower vase stood 'This is a spare bed I had, but I suppose you can use it Laying upon it will increase the recovery of your soul, mana, and body tre in Aldrich's h these were spoken in whispers 'And of course, I am sure you are interested in body recovery, are you not? It cannot be helped, being a young hed and put a hand to his forehead The thought of doing anything like that beside his parents'Not toin her own smaller bed o to the side

Aldrich took his hand o his face and looked at it At the scars and calluses that marred it He wondered whether it was actually okay to just sit around and do, well, nothing

It felt incredibly odd

It seehts, was devoted to soeance, he realized But that too, was one He had killed

Seth Solar and the Butcher now suered eternal torture

There was, of course, the rest of the Trident to take down, but that was a faceless entity and athe Butcher He could not pursue that goal with vengeance, he had to approach it with cold calculation