Chapter 182: Into the Nexus (1/2)

Chapter 182: Into the Nexus 1

Aldrich stood at the botto He had expected to be duht into a natural Null Zone

He did not know exactly what Null Zones looked like, but if ruht behind theiant

Null Ore that protruded froht crystal

There were also ru than variants roamed the Aldrich was underground, he gured he would have been in soot hi some for himself, but no, beneath him was a metal oor, around him were metal walls, and above him, far, far up, at least a hundred and fty s that locked together to forh the metal, Aldrich could see the faint shi+ne of Null The y perh almost all known metals, and it did not take much exposure to disable an Alter

In fact, if containing a live prisoner was the goal, then it was better to keep the

Null exposure insulated to soree as it was in the Null Box There were studies done on captive variants showing that extended coy caused the body to start breaking apart from within

Flesh rotted, blood vessels burst, bones cracked, and internal growths akin to rampant cancer ared up

Most likely because with the Alter organ prevented fro its unique cells, the body that relied on its enriching eects quickly broke apart

Aldrich placed a hand on a wall A thick layer of dust pued up in a cloud around his black ers

nobody had been here in some time The surface of the metal was relatively smooth, but there were s into a discernable pattern upwards Evidently, prior visitors to this place had tried to escape

Aldrich tracked the patterns up, but they stopped past fty or soany further

Aldrich rapped his st on the iththe i "I see," said Aldrich with a nod He had an idea of how the Crypt worked

Essentially, there WAS a larger area with Null Ore within it Presuiant metal cylinder was dropped within it, presu to round passageways

The fact that there were very few dents on the metal likelyto break through The sudden disappearance of cli marks after ftyto climb up

Likely tied with this metal's property to channel vibrations well Aldrich's theory was that any appreciable ier sensors above the inuence of Null's tech disrupting properties

Aldrich sat down andanyway, he just wanted to s were like The only thing that really mattered to him was that surveillance was iht did exactly that

Now then, with that conrh of a break fro, it was time for a little bit of excitereen light burst from it

Aldrich revealed his hand, a faint trail of sil [1x Sign Stone consuil, Aldrich noted, was dierent It consisted of simple line patterns that formed a shape reminiscent of a tower He did not pay itwas o about it Instead, he put his hand over the sign, and it reacted, glowing bright [Will you enter the Nexus?]