Chapter 178: Volantis (1/1)
Chapter 178: Volantis
Aldrich spent the next few hours of the plane ride doing nothing at all In the
Null Box, severed fro with any of his units, he found hily bored There was only soabout what he planned on doing, after all
At a certain point, when Aldrich's boredom started to reach an appreciable mass, Volantis spoke out "I sense that you lack mental stimulation," said Volantis "I may offer you sti Aldrich any kind of 'sti Aldrich had a very high tolerance for alain," said Aldrich "My apologies, Ar to do," said Aldrich He paused for awith the people at the shelter in
He rerohen he actually took the time to sit down there and talk with theured the same could ith Volantis
Plus, it was a nice way to pass ti about Volantis "I'ma little curious, actually, Volantis," said Aldrich "Why serve me? Is it because you're under my control?" "No," said Volantis "I call you my Armored for I deem you worthy" "Worthy? In ay?" "You wield poith purpose Purpose that feels nostalgic to me" “And what purpose would that be?" "You have never stated your purpose to me directly, but I can sense it It is akin to world doe" "World do his poas to try and bring order to this world To minieance fro born
To put it simply, he wanted to make the world a better place
It was a relatively noble goal, and not one unique to Aldrich Where it started to get unique, though, was in the lengths Aldrich illing to go He illing to kill, to control minds, and sacrifice lives, even innocent ones, if he had to
It was not that Aldrich did not care about innocent lives No, he valued them, and if he could, he would try to preserve them But his parents had died because they had surrendered after hostages were used against thees to die, they ood across their entire lives They could have given Aldrich a proper and loving childhood
Aldrich deeply respected the noble ideals his parents had been willing to uphold even to their deaths, but a part of him had felt resenter Resent to sacrifice Aldrich's happiness for their ideals
Over the years, Aldrich had coer resented theraved in him now that if he ever came upon a similar situation, he would not make the same mistakes his parents did
On that note, when it cao to, if it ever came down to it that Aldrich had to become some kind of ruler, some kind of emperor like authority over the whole world, then he would not hesitate
In that sense, Aldrich could see where Volantis was coet what he wanted "I guess you could say that," said Aldrich "You h Does that oal? The Death Lord, I assu the fact that she wanted the entire realm to be part of her own realm of death?"
Aldrich actually had no idea what Volantis's backstory was like In the game,
Volantis was not fleshed out too much He was just one of the Death Lord's a defeated, Volantis then went on a warrior's journey to recover his honor, growing stronger and finally severing and integrating hand of the
Blood God to becoa that Volantis was a dutiful warrior that served the Death Lord to the very end, there was very little about his actual past "The Death Lord also had a purpose to her power, yes, but she was never ia I feel seeed into ar vision
Someone that wanted to dominate the world However, I remember only faint pieces of them I cannot even recall their appearance When I try, all I perceive is shadohere they once were" "So, not the Death Lord Interesting," said Aldrich He knew that Volantis did not have the best memory of his past life, but if Volantis could reht it was possible to use his knowledge of the lore to find out who Volantis had been "Do you remember rew faintly war with the the steppes, into swamps, into desert, into forest, into snow, into fire
I rereat mountain They stood at the precipice and waved their ar that it would all be theirs and they wouldswept away by that grand drea as if my life had purpose
Before then, I knew I had been a fighter But I had fought only for the sake of the fight My ht only the next challenge to kill and take their bones to add to et it now," said Aldrich as he came to a realization There was exactly on species in Elden World that lived in steppe like plains and took the bones of others as war trophies "It's surprising, but all yourbeen an Orc in your past life"